我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-15 17:38:14 高一 我要投稿




高一的英语作文 篇1

  The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Chong Yang Festival, a traditional festival in China. The celebrating activities are various and romantic ,including climbing mountains , appreciating chrysanthemums , wearing dogwoods , eating the Chong Yang cake and so on .

  “Nine” has the same pronunciation as the Chinese character “jiu” which stands for ”a long time” , and is the biggest single figure . Therefore it indicts longevity. There have been a lot of poems and works celebrating Chong Yang Festival and praising chrysanthemums since ancient times. People also believe that climbing mountains can expel bad luck, and indicates “climbing to a higher position” and “longevity”.

  China designates the ninth day of the ninth month as Senior ‘s Day , which combine tradition with modern times subtly to turn it into a festival for respecting , caring about , loving , and helping the elderly people .

高一的英语作文 篇2

  我曾认识的一个人A Person I knew

  Loose,wavy brown hair hung down to her waist at the back——she had a fringe over her forehead that almost hid her pale eyes。The nose——not her best feature——was long but not ugly。She had a regular set of white teeth and was full—lipped。

  Her round face often looked rather sallow in complexion;she wasnt very tall or slim,and she walked with slightly—rounded shoulders。When I knew her,she must have been in her early thirties,about thirty—fifth even—and she even had one or two tell—tale wrinkles round the mouth。

高一的英语作文 篇3

  My new year's resolution is very easy, only three piece of advice .At first, I want to get good grade. Next,I have studied hard as my math is not good,so I have practiced everyday.Further, I want to take my dance lesson .Because I really love dance. I have already studied five dances since 20xx. I just have been a bus spotter. I have not yet ever liked bus like now. I will spend some money for bus model. These are my new year’s resolution, I hope it,really need to work hard,I think I can be successful. I will never give up.

  And I am a true boy

  Seventeen years ago ,I was a baby ,I didn‘t know anything, just eating,watching and screaming.

  As time goes by ,I become a little boy ,full of curiosity and mistakes, Ididn't know the society.

  Now, with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, I get stronger, more wisdom and more responsible, I am a true boy, I get into the river of society and be together with different people, I learn much more, not only knowledge, but also the living skills ,I get out of young and innocent.And I understand a true boy should help others, do something for the society, be more generous, more polite.A true boy is a benchmarking of the society, although the society is king of dangerous, we should get into it and work it out, just for you, for me, for others.

  I am now a boy, I should be like a man.

高一的英语作文 篇4

  There are many important people have been in my life, and one of them I will never forget. I met him last summer. He was short and tanned, and was about twelve years old. He was selling the balloons on the sideway when I met him, I was curious and asked him:” why do you do business at such young age?” he said:” I’m not doing business, I have been saving money. I want to donate it to the disaster area, the children there need help.” I was surprise, and ashamed. I bought many balloons from him and asked him to keep the change. I should learn from him to be a kind-hearted person.



高一的英语作文 篇5

  My hometown is in the southeast of Shandong, a seaside village.

  It is a small village. There are about 600 people. Most of them are peasants. They mainly plant wheat, corn and cotton. Some of them often go fishing in the sea.

  Great changes have taken place in the past ten years. Now the peasants here use tractors in their work. A lot of new buildings have appeared. Many families own fridges and some even have air-conditioners. In the evening they watch TV as the people in cities do.

  There is a primary school in the village. Most of the peasants’ children are studying in college now.

  Everyone together for the future of my hometown, to contribute their strength. I believe that my parents more and more beautiful, everyone will have a very rich.

  I love my home town. I believe she will become more and more beautiful in the future.

高一的英语作文 篇6

  Then a strange blight crept over the area and everything began to change . Some evil spell had settled on the community : mysterious maladies swept the flocks of chickens ; the cattle and sheep sickened and died . Everywhere was a shadow of death. The farmers spoke of much illness among their families. In the town the doctors had become more and more puzzled by new kinds of sickness appearing among their patients . There had been several sudden and unexplained deaths not only among adults but even among children , who would be stricken suddenly while at play and die within a few hours.

  There was a strange stillness. The birds, for example ---where had they gone ?Many people spoke of them, puzzled and disturbed. The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund .They trembled violently and could not fly. It was a spring without voices . On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins , doves , jays , wrens ,and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound ; only silence lay over the fields and woods and marsh.

  On the farms the hens brooded , but no chicks hatched .The farmers complained that they were unable to raise any pigs --the litters were small and the young survived only a few days .The apple trees were coming into bloom but no bees droned among the blossoms, so there was no pollination and there would be no fruit. The roadsides , once so attractive, were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire . There , too, were silent , deserted by all living things .Even the streams were now lifeless. Anglers no longer visited them , for all the fish had died. In the gutters under the eaves and between the shingles of the roofs , a white granular powder still showed a few patches : some weeks before it had fallen like snow upon the roofs and the lawns, the fields and sreams.

高一的英语作文 篇7

  The growth of flowers gratitude the rain, because rain moisten it; Goshawk Thanksgiving sky because the sky to let it fly; Mountain Thanksgiving earth; Because of the earth to make them tall; I am grateful to my teacher, because teachers open the door to my knowledge I roam in the ocean of knowledge. When I was growing up process, thick love accompany me around.

  Primary school spent like a childhood of lightning, including trouble and sorrow, joy and gratitude.

  Thanks to teachers, they teach us to read, write, and teach us the knowledge we teach human principle; Is they let us appreciate the collective life, deal with the classmates. When we learn, is to inculcate in them; When we are naughty waste studies, is that they are tireless persuasion; When we encounter problems, is that they are to our serious; When we are at odds with classmates, but also they are for us to resolve the dispute. We should thank the teachers, there are a pair of couplets: a piece of chalk remain uncorrupted, three feet platform four seasons weather, plus the insides all nine, ten, will teach well drops sweat cheng ze peach li fang world; Ten volumes poetry chapter nine hypotenuse, eight SuoWenSi seven weft geography, along with six arts Pentateuch four three characters as one, two ya infatigable little diligent effort yu ying ze shenzhou.

  Without teachers, we don't understand the rules and reason, school culture, science, knowledge, and would not have today's achievement and status. So-called "respect than nursing", the best reward for teachers is to follow the teacher's teaching, keep in mind the requirements and expectations of teachers constantly learning, study hard, work hard, do something, do it better, and better than blue ". To see their students and staff have made achievements and progress, teachers will feel great comfort and glory. It is submitted to the teachers.

  Grateful, will understand, will only know in return. Some people say that the essence of good is to have a grateful heart, some people say that if a person with a grateful heart, he is a happy person, help to others, even a little, a drop, we should be thankful. Learn to be grateful, grateful should become everyone's virtue.

  With a grateful heart, we didn't know how to filial piety the parents. With a grateful heart, we didn't know how to respect teachers. With a grateful heart, we didn't know how to care, to help others. With a grateful heart, we will study hard, cherish yourself. With a grateful heart, we can learn to tolerate, win the true love, win the friendship. With a grateful heart, we will have happy, happy. We will be reasonable to grow up faster, we can have a better future.

  For a long time, we have become accustomed to others to ask for, ask for the material, for friendship, for love, and forget the gratitude. From now on, from this moment, from this second start, let us learn to Thanksgiving!








