我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-13 10:00:37 五年级 我要投稿




五年级英语作文 篇1

  Came to the Science and Technology Museum, one entered the first floor lobby saw the sea of people. Greeted the two tall dinosaur skeleton, there are two floors so high. Originally here is exhibiting dinosaur fossils from Zigong, Sichuan. With the crowd I and my mother came to the "dead dinosaur kingdom - Zigong dinosaur fossil treasures boutique exhibition" here show the world famous dinosaurs - Sichuan Zigong found a large number of fossil treasures, including the first public display in China The world's most complete preservation of the meat dinosaur skull, unusual rare Ma door Creek skin fossils, the length of more than 20 meters of the Emei Long ....... Then I and my mother also watched the three-dimensional giant movie "dinosaur return" Know the rampant earth up to 180 million years of the giant, suddenly disappeared in 65 million years ago reasons. It was because a larger meteorite than the moon fell on the earth, causing the environment on Earth to change, and the dinosaurs were so extinct.

  Shanghai Science and Technology Museum also has a crust exploration, biological Vientiane, the wisdom of light, audio-visual paradise, designer cradle, children's science and technology park, natural museum and other seven exhibition. Everything is so interesting, let me dizzying, only complained about the time to visit too little can not see enough once.

  Through this visit made me know a lot of knowledge, increased a lot of knowledge. More important point is that I know a reason: in fact, science in our side, as long as we carefully to find, to feel, will know the existence of scientific knowledge in our lives, and serve the human.

五年级英语作文 篇2

  Wats you mam like? Do you like my room? …….o my ga!你们猜,这是谁在狂说英语?哈哈!除了我们家还有谁家呢?要说我们家是怎样沾上英语的,那还得从那一年说起。话说公元20xx年11月20日,耿学玲家因特别喜欢英语,从而爆发了,变成了英语狂,更可怕的是,他们嘴上总不忘把英语放在嘴边,让别人也变的爱说英语了。


  晚上,我们一家在一起吃晚饭,爸爸端着饭碗坐在电视机前面,跟着希望英语狂说,害的我们没法吃饭了。这时,我早已忍不住我的超级狮吼功 了,我的狮吼功 可是我从小练起的,吼起来可不比雄狮顺色。。我用中英文结合,绍兴话普通话结合说:Father!走过来(绍兴话),别说英语了(普通话),我美味的晚餐都吃不下了。 加他纹丝不动,我再次加大马力,又再一次叫了一遍,这一叫可不要紧,可恨的是,竟把楼上楼下的叔叔、阿姨、爷爷、大妈惊动了。我遭了。完了,俺快躲起来,可惜已经太晚了,我只好一个劲的说:Sorry! 人们刚走,就见爸爸嘲笑我奸笑的声音。爸爸竟然学着我的台词说:Iam 太sorry。 气的我火冒三丈。


  还有一次,是星期天的早上,吃过早饭,我在听英语,爸妈在吃早饭。我正听的入迷,仿佛沉浸在英语王国当中了时听见嗷嗷 ---嗷嗷 的鬼叫,我还以为鬼来了,拿着尺子准备作战。但没人,我轻轻的走向门外,啊,声音源头在这,我高兴极了,你猜我看到了什么?一只血淋淋的眼球,你别说,还真像,他发出的鬼叫让人毛骨酥然。原来这是弟想吓唬我,故意搞恶作剧,后来,我抓着他的衣襟,非让他给我道歉不可。他竟然用我的台词向我赔礼:I am sorry太sorry。



五年级英语作文 篇3



  I get up at 6:50 in the morning. I do morning exercises at 7:10. I go to school at 7:30. I have English class at 10:00. I eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening. I do my homework at 7:00. I go to bed at 10:00.

  二.请以“My favourite season”为题


  My favourite season is spring. The weather is warm. I can wear my sweater. I can fly kites. I can plant trees, too. The trees are green. The flowers are colourful.


  My favourite season is summer. The weather is hot and sunny. I can wear my T-shirt. I can swim in the sea. I can eat ice-cream. The sky is blue. The clouds are white.


  My favourite season is fall. The weather is cool. I can wear my shirt. I can climb mountains. I can go hiking, too. I can eat many fruits. The trees are yellow.


  My favourite season is winter. The weather is very cold. I can wear my sweater. I can skate. I can make a snowman, too. I can sleep a long time.


  There are four seasons in a year. I live in Guangzhou City. It’s warm in spring. I can plant trees. It’s hot and sunny in summer. I can swim in the swimming pool. In autumn, it’s cool and windy. I can fly a kite and climb the mountain with my friends. In winter, It’s not too cold. I can wear my sweater.


  My favorite animal is the rabbit. It’s white. It’s very small. It has long ears. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. It’s lovely. I like it very much.


  My school is very beautiful. In the school, there are school building, canteen and a big gym. In front of the school building is a big colorful and beautiful flowerbed. There are roses, lilies, sunflowers and tulips in it. In the school building, there are classrooms, music rooms, computer rooms, art rooms and clinic. The playground and gym are big too. We can do more exercise on the playground or in the gym. I like my school very much. Welcome to my school.

五年级英语作文 篇4

  January 25th Saturday

  Today mother took me to skate. I was very happy. But I hadn't expected I fell down as soon as I got in. Today I didn't know why my two feet were out of control. If I wanted to head east, they would head the opposite. I fell down from time to time. My hands and face were all dirty. I thought maybe it was because that I hadn't skated for a long time.

  On my way home, I thought that whatever one wants to do, he must work hard at it, so he can make progress. Skating is like this, so it study.

五年级英语作文 篇5




五年级英语作文 篇6

  I have a nice bedr,it isn’t ver large ,but it’s ver cfrtable and clean. Oh!u can see an things in it.There are se bs in the bcase.I lie read bs,and u ? On the wall,there are phts. There is a bed between the bcase and the table.In bedr,there are se beautiful flwers,what clrs are the? Are the green,red and purple?N!The are pin,ellw and purple.Oh!L,there is a clc n the des.Listen!It’s singing “Dita,dita”. What a nice bedr!I lie it ver uch.

五年级英语作文 篇7


  那天中午,我开始教弟弟学英语了。我说:“Glad to see you。”弟弟却说:“Glag to she you。”我听了很生气,说:“不是‘Glag’,‘Glad’,另外不是‘she’,是‘see’。”弟弟虽然把“Glad”改过来了,可是“see”仍是改不过来。我说“see”,他呢,偏偏说“she”,好像成心气我似的。我让他看着我的嘴,看看我是怎么发音。他看了一会儿,改了过来。可是过了一会儿,又读成“she”了。我说:“不是读‘she’,而是‘see’,把舌尖稍微翘一点,舌头的两边放到牙齿的两侧,牙齿的中间留一点空隙,开始发音,就发出‘see’了。”




五年级英语作文 篇8
















五年级英语作文 篇9




五年级英语作文 篇10

  Spring in Our School

  Spring comes at last。 Everything begins to grow。 The trees turn green, and the flowers come out。 On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere。

  Spring also arrives in our school。 Come and see, behind our teaching building, there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it, there are some other flowers smiling at you, Some are yellow, some are red。 In our school garden, more flowers are there。 All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen。

  Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky。 The spring wind is blowing。 The sun is shining brightly。 Some boys are playing games in the sun, Listen, a group of girls are singing "Where's spring?" It sounds like the singing of lark birds。 All these make me think that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is just in our school。 Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring。

  What a beautiful season! }tow lovely the children are!















