我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-12-07 12:33:34 五年级 我要投稿




五年级英语作文300字 篇1

  I love grandma, grandma is also very love me. Although my grandma is very dote on me, but never allow me to do wrong things, especially the moral behavior is very strict to me. Whenever I with big deceit small, grandma always again and again make sense to me, there is always a way of explaining things so I taught her to convince.This is my grandma, I love my grandma!



五年级英语作文300字 篇2

  The sky outside is very dark and the wind blows the trees. The trees have to blend their back. There is no sun in the sky. It is two o’clock in the afternoon, but it look like the time of seven o’clock at dusk. Suddenly, there is a lightening and then following several. Later the thunder also comes. It is very terrible. The storm is coming.


五年级英语作文300字 篇3

  三年级的一次下午,第一节是英语课。我们欢呼了起来,我记的老师每来一次都要听写上一节课的内容 我想了想。想出一个好办法是作弊了。我先拿一个英语本和一个英语书。就开始抄写上一节课学的单词抄写一遍。快要上课了,我正好写完所学的上一节课的`所有内容。

  上课了,英语老师进了班说:“给你们5分钟的时间复习上一节课 所有内容,5分钟后准备听写上一节的内容。”5分钟后,我们撒一张英语纸,而我拿的是一张我抄写完的上一节课的内容。老师说一个我们写一个而我在看漫画书,而我注意到我的同桌刘佳颐正在念英语分开的单词,直到她写完为止。我感到非常后悔。该叫听写纸了,我把刚作弊的纸给了老师。我又问了刘佳颐,但她说是我一个个背下来了,我问她:听写了吗?她说:是一个个背出来写的,class是班的意思,我就把class分成c.l.a.s.s。



五年级英语作文300字 篇4

  My favorite season is summer. It's hot in summer. There is a summer vacation in summer. I don't go to school. I think many children like this season, because they can eat ice-cream and go swimming. I can go swimming. Sometimes I go to the beach with my parents. Sometimes I go to the swimming pool with my friends. I usually visit many places in summer vacation.


五年级英语作文300字 篇5

  My village is very beautiful. There are many houses in the village. Near the village, there is a forest. A small river is in front of the village. The water in it is very clean. We can see some fish in the river. Near the river, you can see a mountain. Some flowers and grass are on the mountain. I like my village. Welcome to my village!


五年级英语作文300字 篇6

  A weekend morning, green space, warming Yang, green willows, red flowers, everywhere permeated with abundant view. After a late night of spring rain wash embellish. This is good chance of picking up stones.

  After being cleaned, mother, sister and I started carrying bag. Along the way, the bird with us, butterfly dancing with us, the stroke of the soft wind more make person appetite. We came to a piece of land near the river, then stopped.










