我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-08-08 14:58:15 五年级 我要投稿




五年级英语作文 篇1

  The new term is coming and i will be wiser and wiser because i will learn more knowlege.I will do more meaningful things that i think.First,i will get back to my everyday activities, such as:Ping pong,football and basket ball.Sports are really interesting,aren't they?Second,i will read more books,just as the saying goes:the more , the better.It's true that I will know more about the world and understand why people say that the world is very big.Third,i will study maths,physics and English better.I will solve more difficult maths problems and be interested in them.I will think about more physics problems.English is important and I will spend more time on it.I'm really looking forward to the coming future.I will get ready to face the future!

五年级英语作文 篇2

  I have a specail friend, he has short stubby hair, his eyes are black as coal. he also has a mouth that says very good things about people. evreyone likes him very much. but i am his best friend.we always play together after school, and talk about things that are personal, we always help each other out. so this is my friend.

五年级英语作文 篇3

  This winter holiday,I went to Kunming with my family.Kunming is avery beautiful city,I think.The sky is blue and the air is clean.You can see many kinds of nice flowers everywhere.The weather there is great.It′s never too hot or too cold all the year round,so people always call it"Spring City".

  Kunming is surrounded by beautiful scenery.And one of the most famous views is"The Stone Forest".It is really scenic.

  We just stayed in Kunming for six days,but Ifelt very happy,and Ilike Kunming very much.





五年级英语作文 篇4

  In the morning ,I have breakfast first. then I do my homework.After that. I havelunch.In the afternoon,I go to fishing with my father.We have a good time! We go home at about five p.m.My mother make alot of nice food for us.At seven o’clock,we watch TV together.At eight o’clock,I go to sleep. I have good and tired hoilday.How about you?

五年级英语作文 篇5

  I want to learn Chinese zither

  Hello, classmates! My name is Linda. I am a student at yu CAI middle school. So I have a very very long holiday. It makes me so happy. I decided to study a talent. This holiday I want to learn a musical instrument. I think it is very useful for me. And my mother also said, "music can change a person's temperament, sublimation of his soul, let him more perfect." So I want to learn guzheng, I like Chinese zither. Because I think guzheng voice is very beautiful, often let me intoxicated. Can you play the guzheng? Can help me to learn it? I will thank you very much.

五年级英语作文 篇6


  让我妈和老师商量了一下,老师后来告诉我妈,除了平时的单词积累,其实经常听英语歌也是挺有帮助的。当时我是一个非常喜欢听中文歌的人, 最爱的就是中国古风的歌了,和英文歌的风格差的实在是太大了。突然母亲就强硬的要求我听英文歌,我肯定是一百个不愿意啊。我就觉得英文歌哪里好听啊,和我喜欢听的中文歌风格也是不同的,肯定不这么好听吧。可是没有办法, 为了自己的英文成绩,我也只好照做了,英语成绩提高了一点, 可让我更惊喜的是,我竟然发现英语歌也挺好听的,这让我也渐渐的喜欢起了英文歌。



五年级英语作文 篇7


  虽然这学期上对我们很严格,但是她也有能让我们快乐的学习方式。这些都是我们班的英语成绩大大提高,而她就是我们班的英语老师——田老师。 现在我们上英语课已经不会有不专心的学生了。但是,过去有,而且有好多“热爱祖国语言人士”根本就不学英语。现在这些“人士”,根本就不敢在英语课上“热爱祖国语言”了。如果人士们要一意孤行,那是要付出代价的。 上课的铃声一响,英语老师的神情就与平常时判若两人,她的眼神马上就变成了利剑。老师如炬的'目光像探照灯一样,扫视着每一个角落。同学们的小动作在这样的目光里无处遁形。如某处有风吹草动,英语老师会用犀利的目光紧紧的盯着。随后,一声霹雳似的批评,会让分心的同学认真起来。接着,那倒霉的孩子就会乖乖的捧着课本,站到讲台前。更重要的是下课以后,那倒霉的孩子还要忍受英语老师长篇的思想教育。 几个回合的较量,我们班级里的所有抱有某种幻想的顽皮男都--败下阵来。过去曾耀武扬威的风云人物在英语课上统统变成了温顺的绵羊。虽然他们在背地里有过种种密谋,但是一到了英语老师的面前立刻就变成了乖孩子。 如今,田老师已经成为了我们学习生活中不可或缺的人物,就是在教授让我们受益匪浅。她每天都有认真的工作态度,详细的工作计划,优秀的工作能力。


五年级英语作文 篇8





  我手中的笔都快握不住了,听老师说还要写中文,我晕,不早说,看都没看,还好记得大概。第一个单词play sports,我咬了下笔头,思索片刻,sp发成sb所以这样读,那应该是sp,我迅速写下。go for a walk,听老师读,中间有a,可不能写掉了……



五年级英语作文 篇9

  Today is Christmas Eve, we played a game at home. We decorate the home were first, the children to play. A child dressed as Santa Claus, others hurriedly start to pack to sleep. After a while, everyone's "fall asleep", some still snoring! I secretly open to see Santa Claus. See Santa Claus laid against the snow come, put the gifts in our pocket. By "morning", I do not know who play the part of the crow, give us to wake up. We, who are better than good gift!

  This year's Christmas Eve is happy!


五年级英语作文 篇10

  This summer holiday I plan to go to the beach.I will go there with my parents and cousins.We'll stay there for three days at the local hotel.The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever had.Because we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at night.I'm really looking foward to it.










