我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-02-21 08:46:10 推荐作文 我要投稿





  假定你是李华,自制了一些中国结(Chinese knot)。给开网店的美国朋友Tom写封信,请他代卖,要点包括:

  1. 外观(尺寸、颜色、材料)

  2. 象征意义

  3. 价格

  注意:1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  3. 开头已为你写好。

  Dear Tom,

  How are you doing?I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots for me. I made them myself with red silk threads, cloth and other materials. They look really beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck. People can either give them as gifts to friends or hang them in their houses. They are only 12.99 US dollars each. If anyone wants to know more about the knots, let them write to me. Also, do let me know if you need further information. Thank you!



  1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。

  2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次 的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。

  3. 词数少于 80和多于 120的,从总分中减去2分。

  4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的`得体性。

  5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影 响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写汉词汇用法均可接受。

  6. 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。

  7. 内容要点可用不同方式表达,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。



  1. 完全完成了试题规定的任务。

  2. 覆盖所有内容要点。

  3. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。

  4. 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力。

  5. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。


  I want to buy a golf ball

  a blonde golfer goes into the pro shop and looks around frowning.

  finally the pro askes her what she wants. "i cant find any green golf balls," the blonde golfer complains.

  the pro looks all over the shop, and through all the catalogs, and finally calls the manufacturers and determines that sure enough, there are no green golf balls.

  as the blonde golfer walks out the door in disgust, the pro asks her, "before you go, could you tell me why you want green golf balls?"

  "well obviously, because they would be so much easier to find in the sand traps!"


  Today our class went to climb a mountain.This morning we set off to the mountain by bus.At about nine o'clock we arrived at the foot of the the mountain and with the guidance of our teacher.he started climving,Because at the half of the mountain some of us got tired.we all were very exciting When we get to the top .Wevcheered excitedky.Seeing from the top of it.theview is wonderful.Unfortunately.When we began to go down the mountain .we were catching in astorm .We share umbrellas and raincoat with each other and wakked more cautious. At least we all reached the parking lot safety and got on the bus heading bacto home.


  I’m writing this letter to express my sincerely appologies to you for losing the book you lent to me. I’m very appreciated you lent it to me. In order to give it back to you as soon as possible, I took it to the library yesterday. I also borrow some other books in the library before I left. Unluckily, when I arrived at my dormitory, I couldn’t find your book. I searched all my dormitory and the road from the dormitory to the library. The next day I also looked for the library. However, I couldn’t find your book. I’m sorry I can’t give back to you on time as I promised before. But I will buy a new one for you later.Hope you can accept my appologies.


  I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don't even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I'm writing you the letter , hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grateful if you can help me. Looking forward to your reply. And I'd be really thankful. Yours, Li Hua



  May 15th

  Dear Alice,

  Would you please lend me your Chinese-English dictionary? I will give it back three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. In the article I often find Chinese words which I cannot translate into English, so I often need a Chinese-English dictionary' But I myself have no one. I will cherish your dictionary very much and promise not to damage it. Thanks a lot!





  four years ago , the sun is shined. it was a sunny day . there was a litter boy . he liked flying kite . he was flying kite . he was very happy . there was a litter tree . it was very short. near the tree , there is the small house. boy lived in it . the boy had a pet dog . it was white ahd cute . the boy loved it .

  the life is changing . the boy is tall and cool . he likes listening to music . look , he is siting on chair ang listening to music . now, he has got three dog . one is white , one is brow ,one is black . he loves them very much . now, the tree is tall . there are lots of apples in the tree . near the tree , it’s a big ang beautiful house .

  the boy makes a small letters box . he has got lots of pen friengs . one is from french , one is from canada.



  导 入: 第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)

  正文: 第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个zan成的理由)

  第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)

  结论: 第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)


  When I was picking up my stuff after school, I saw a dog staring at me at the school gate .I was kind of scary. I thought the dog would bite me when I was going out. But it was not. The dog started to follow me. I was very afraid. I started to run away, but the dog did it, either. Suddenly, the dog ran pass away me. I realized the man in front of me was the owner of the dog. I was relieved.

  From then on, as long as a dog stares at me, I will look back to have a look whether there is another person near or not.




  A note for asking a friend to have a lecture

  Dear Mr Green,

  There will be a lecture on a brief history of the Emperor Palace given by professor Ram from the palace museum in the childrens palace at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. If you are interested in the lecture, pls get to the childrens palace before 3 oclock. The childrens palace is not far from your hotel. You may walk there. It will take you only a few minutes. When you go out of the hotel, turn left and walk down the street until you come to a traffic light. Take a right turn there, walk two crossings and you will see a post office on your right. The childrens palace is next to it. See you tomorrow afternoon.

  Yours truly,



  1. Great changes will certainly be produced in the international communications.在国际交流中理所当然会发生很多大的变化

  2. It has increased/decreased from…to…他已经从…增加/减少到…

  3. The output of July in this factory increased by 15%.这个工厂7月份产量以增加了15%

  4. We cannot ignore the fact that……我们不能忽略这个事实……

  5. No one can deny the fact that……没人能否认这个事实……

  6. This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. 4:be closely related to ~~ (与...息息相关)

  7. Compared with A,B……与A比较,B…… 2;I prefer to read rather than watch TV.

  8. Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩

  9. All is not gold that glitters.发光的'未必都是金子

  10. All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马

  11. A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半


Dear Chris,

  How are you doing? I am fine. I have been organizing a one -day summer camp in Green Hill this Saturday.As planned, we will be leaving by bus at 7 am at the school gate. About 2 hours will be spent climbing the mountain .After that we will have a picnic by the lake at the foot of the mountain.

  Up till now, 3 boys and 4 girls have joined the team. I do hope that you could join us because Green Hill is such a fun place to relax and surely we will have a great time.However, if you don't have spare time for this trip, it is fine. It's just up to you.

  Looking forward to hearing from you.

  Your friend

  Li Hua


  DearMiss Morgan,

  I am very sorry that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon. I’m writing to tell you the reason for it.

  My uncle is returning home from France, and I have promised to meet him at the airport at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. You know I’m always as good as my word.

  I am very interested in American society and history. I wonder if it is possible for the talk to be recorded, and if so, could I borrow the tape? It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk.

  I sincerely hope you can understand me and accept my appologies.Once again, I am sorry for any inconcenience caused.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


  A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview

  The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.

  I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.

  If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read. I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting.










