1. 原汁原味的拓展训练与体育项目存在着天然的相同之处,当然也存在着一定的差异。
Between natural expansion training and physical there are some natural similarities, of course, there are also some differences.
2. 几乎将韩式美容的精髓之处原汁原味的体现出来,包括所有的主刀医师都是在韩国组成团队再带中国来。
The manages former juice raw ingredient system of the marrow that allows Han Shimei almost comes out now, include all advocate knife doctor is in Korea compositive group takes China again.
3. 今天,仅有嘉定的古漪园餐厅和城隍庙的南翔馒头店两家能做出最原汁原味的正宗小笼包。
Today, Guyi Garden Restaurant in Jiading and Nangxiang Mantou in City God Temple are the only tow stores that offer the most authentic xiaolongbao with the original flavor.
4. 线图展现了仓鼠的鼓索神经对五种盐和五种糖的四种原味性质的响应活动。
The line graphs show the response activity profiles of five salt and five sweet hamster chorda tympani fibers to the four primary taste qualities.
5. 本书为英文版,提供原汁原味的西方名著,让读者昙花一现自由地阅读、想像和发挥。
In the meantime, these novels can help you understand western history and western culture more thoroughly and deep.
6. 几乎每一种食品都能冷冻,并且能保持原味。
Almost every kind of food can be frozen and yet keep its original flavor.
7. 如原味梅汁,乌梅汁,洛神梅汁,冬瓜露,鲜桔汁,百香果汁,柠檬汁,蓝莓汁,凤梨汁,水蜜桃汁等等。
We have assorted condensed juice such as plum, orange, lemon, pineapple, peach and start fruit, etc.
8. 接近花朵的原味,保加利亚玫瑰精油就是这种物超所值的珍贵精油,甜香花香与后味都更为明显,带有淡淡的花粉韵味。
Bulgaria rose essential oil: Essential oil through 100% enfleurage with complete fragrance
9. 研究方法用低热巧克蛋糕和原味巧克蛋糕新产品的功能性与欢性属性为产品实,在同相似周围成员环境的广告型进实验设计。
The design of the experiment used the advertisement of low-calorie or original chocolate cake as the new product in different similarity of its peripheral members.
10. 很好的保留了传统,给我们一个原汁原味的日本。
For fans of traditional Japanese culture, kyoto is an unmissable destination.
11. 因此,翻译的重点是如何尽可能原汁原味地反映中华传统文化的特质与内涵。
Chinese philosophy, Confucianism in particular, has been developing in the hermeneutic way for 2000 years.
12. 原汁原味,齿甲留香,令你每一口都是美味与回味。
Savour Every Taste, Reminisce Each Moment.
13. 跟你说了,原汁原味的
I told you, it's hardcore.
14. 使用电子称,能够让条状茶叶不会被压断、压伤,使茶叶冲泡时能够原汁原味。
The tea leaves won't break and can keep original and fresh when infusion based on the electronic scale.
15. 最大的黎村初保村只有在晴天时才能自驾越野车到达,村里的黎人住船形屋、吃自家菜、穿自己织的黎锦,保持着原汁原味的黎族生活。
The largest Lebanese village early-only village in the sunny Zijia when the sport utility vehicle to reach the village of the Lebanese people are boat-shaped houses, eat their food, wearing their texture of the Lebanese-Jin, Li maintained a pristine life.
16. 他回忆起在美国的一次旅途中见到波。迪德雷本人,以及南下密西西比三角洲体会原汁原味的.爵士乐时的喜悦心情。
He recounted his joy at meeting Bo Diddley during a trip to the United States and traveling down the Mississippi Delta to taste the origins of jazz.
17. 一湖即榕湖,凭借二江环抱之势,引水入园,自然天成,占地300余亩;成都南湖公园内的许多景观主要以欧洲建筑风格为主,辅以原味欧洲商务休闲街和集娱乐、探险、刺激于一体的南湖游乐园梦幻岛;两带四区即滨河森林景观带、环湖森林景观带、生态湿地区、二江寺保护区、欧洲风情区、运动健身区,另外还有主题婚庆广场、水上演艺广场。
A lake that is Banyan Lake, surrounded by the river with two potential, water the park, natural scenery, an area of 300 acres; Chengdu South Lake Park, many of the major European architectural style, landscape, supplemented by the European flavor business and leisure street entertainment, adventure, stimulation in one of South Lake amusement park Neverland; two with four districts with the riparian forest landscape, lake forest landscape, ecological wetlands area, the Second River Temple of protected areas, European style area, sports and fitness area, other There are square wedding theme, water Performing Arts Plaza.
18. 说明:'''vesa'''驱动是最原汁原味的,适用于大部分的显卡。
Note that the'''vesa'''driver is the most generic, and should work with almost any modern video chipset.
19. 我觉得这比较好吃,都好吃,原味的很好吃,另外一种是黑糖的。
I think this one tastes better. They are both good. The original is good. The other one is brown sugar.
20. 以前不会壮文,无法记下那些原汁原味的山歌,心里很难过,现在我有了这个技术,我得用好它!
In the past, the text will not be strong, not a note of those original songs, sad heart, I now have this technology, I am good to use it!