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时间:2024-09-03 13:20:44 诗琳 日志日记 我要投稿
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  描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译 1


  When spring comes, the spring breeze blows gently, and everything recovers. Its full of life. Suddenly, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and gradually the first spring rain in spring begins.


  Peach said: "spring is pink, she dyed peach into pink." Pear flower did not agree, she put in waist, proudly said: "it is not, spring is white!" willow and grass also joined their ranks, shouting: "you are not right, spring is green."


  Peach blossom, apricot blossom, pear blossom, willow and grass are all quarreling.


  When the rain stopped, cuckoos, swallows and bees met each other in the sky to see the scenery. When they saw such a scene, they flew together to ask about it.


  Cuckoo asked curiously, "whats the matter? What are you arguing about?"


  "We are arguing about the color of spring," peach said


  "I think spring is colorful." Cuckoo said.


  "She dyed the grass green!" the cuckoo continued.


  "She dyed the flowers." Said the little bee.


  "She also dyed the river clear." Said the swallow.


  "It turns out that spring is colorful!" everyone said in unison.

  描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译 2


  Last night, the spring thunder sounded, like the alarm clock set by the old man of time, waking up the sleeping grass, the dormant buds in the dead branches, the sleepy flowers and bones, and the frozen stream.


  The grass peeps out of the ground and looks at spring quietly; the buds come out of the dead branches like a string of notes in spring. Hua Guduos eyes widened, jumped on the branch and stared around in surprise. The stream thawed, it played the music of spring, dingdong, from the mountain downstream. People heard the beautiful music of the stream, and they knew that spring was coming.


  Birds are also chirping on the branches, as if to say: "spring is coming, lets get up!" flowers are blooming all over the land, which looks like a colorful carpet. Bees are busy in the flowers. They are busy collecting honey. Butterflies are also dancing in the flowers. They are very beautiful.


  The children are looking for spring in every corner of the park. "Where is spring? Where is spring?" look! Spring girl is hiding behind a peach tree, blushing! The children run to the hillside again and fly kites. The kite is like a letter. The higher it flies, the farther it flies. It seems that it is urgent to recall the wild geese in the south.


  Spring is coming, spring is coming!

  描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译 3


  Spring is coming, and the weather is getting warmer. Flocks of wild geese came back from the south in neat lines.


  The spring wind has greened the earth and awakened the little animals. Aunt willow is waving green long braids, dancing happily with brother Chunfeng. The thawed stream is tinkling, playing music for Aunt willow and brother Chunfeng! The orchard is very lively: pink peach blossom and snow-white pear blossom The little bee came and said happily, "sister peach blossom, Sister Lihua, can I pick some of your sweet pollen? "Peach blossom and pear blossom said in unison:" little bee, pick it as you like! Without you, we cant bear fruit! "The grassland was even more lively: the grass quietly peeped out the green little head from the ground, and looked at the beautiful world with wide eyes. There were several wild flowers in bloom, and the flowers could not be seen He said, "look at your impatience. Ill be open in a few days. Its more beautiful than you!"

  春天来了,农民伯伯在 田里播种 。瞧,那边还有几个小朋友在快乐的放风筝,还有几个小朋友 在抓蝴蝶。老师带着同学们去踏青。

  Spring is coming, and the farmers are planting seeds in the fields. Look, there are some children flying kites happily and some children catching butterflies. The teacher took the students for a walk.

  我爱春天,春天太美了!古人说:“一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。"我要抓住这个美好的季 节,好好学习,天天向上。”

  I love spring. Its so beautiful! The ancients said, "the plan of a year is spring, and the plan of a day is in the morning. "I want to seize this beautiful season, study hard and make progress day by day."

  描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译 4


  Spring is coming, spring girl is coming, and the green elves are following. Look, she is going to dye spring green!


  The bare willow tree is full of life under the embrace of the spring girl, but how can we do without the green branches and leaves? "Dont worry, Im coming!" cried the green Elf. Oh, she is always so slow. How can the plants waiting for a new dress not worry?


  The grass was freezing in the cold winter. They shouted: "spring girl, green spirit! Come and help us!" spring girl was so fast that she came to the grass immediately and blew a breath. The grass immediately straightened up. Wheres the green Elf? Shes still dyeing willows, one leaf, one by one, slowly. "Hey, can you hurry up!" cried grass fiercely. "Come on, come on!" the green spirit replied impatiently, "Im not idle either!" all kinds of plants and trees shouted together: "please, can you hurry up! We are all in a hurry to attend the spring party, waiting for new clothes!" the green spirit was in a hurry. She opened the paint bucket and threw it into the air. All of a sudden, the mountain is green, the grass is green, and the trees are green Everything is green. The children shouted happily, "spring is coming, spring is coming "


  The spring girl and the green Elf looked at the beautiful scenery and smiled happily. They said to the flowers and trees, "dont forget our banquet! Ill see you in the evening!"


  Look, this is the green Elf with the green paint bucket, the lovely little green Elf!

  描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译 5


  When spring comes, I find that the grass in the field shows its small head. Maybe they come out to welcome spring just like me!


  The flower came out of the soil, stretched out vigorously, and said happily, "Wow, its warm!" a spring breeze came and blew the flower and the willow branches. The dancing posture of the willow branches was reflected in the water. Its really a picturesque landscape!


  Spring rain comes, "sand and sand, sand and sand". The grass took a bath in pain, the leaves were greener, the flower nodded to the spring rain, and then danced in the rain. In a short time, the rain stopped, the spring rain left the little dew in the world, moistening all things.

  初春时, 我就不禁感叹:“哇,小草长得真快!”没过多久,小草就把草坪铺满了,在绿草中还有星星点点的黄花,多美的绿色星星地毯呐!

  In early spring, I cant help but sigh: "Wow, how fast the grass grows!" before long, the grass covered the lawn, and there were little yellow flowers in the green grass, what a beautiful green star carpet!


  In a walk, I feel the charm and charm of spring.


  Facing the warm spring wind, I walked into the park, the first thing I saw was peach trees just sprouting. Pink peach blossom in the spring breeze, red face, add a lot of beautiful colors to the park……


  Spring is hidden in every corner of our life, in peoples eyes, in peoples hearts……

  描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译 6


  Spring is the season of the year. In the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn and winter have their own unique beauty, especially the scenery in spring, which is more popular. Because spring has a unique charm, let me tell you the spring I see.


  The main part of spring is beauty. Beauty lies in the scenery of spring, because spring is the season for all things to recover, and the most beautiful time for rain and wind. Spring rain is very special. Its not as cold and dry as summer and autumn rain. Spring rain brings its own fragrance in the process of falling. Its light and fragrant. How can people not like it? Spring rain falls like millions of embroidery needles, neat and delicate, like a girls hair in the air. Occasionally there is a cool feeling in the air.


  People feel more comfortable than that. Under the light and moist spring rain, the green grass and trees are green, just like the arrival of spring girl adds some color to our earth. A school of vitality, flowers slowly from the ground, as if to say: "spring is good, really comfortable!" When it comes to flowers, the most unforgettable thing is the spring rose. The white and flawless flowers on it are like the princess in the fairy tale, as well as the budding buds in it, which give out a bright light under the spring light.


  Spring is a symbol of auspiciousness and beauty. In the spring plain, it is even wider and boundless, all green. The grassland is like a green carpet. All kinds of creatures are gathered together. Some eat grass, some play and fight with their companions, some chase after each other, as if feeling the beauty of spring. Birds also fly freely in the air in groups, with laughter on their faces. Chirp of say: "spring is really beautiful!"


  Spring brings vitality to all things in the world. I hope we can protect the environment and make nature better.

  描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译 7


  A gust of wind quietly blows the spring and the whole spring.


  The wind has turned the golden jasmine, the white pear, the pink peach and the red apricot.


  The wind not only brings flowers, but also wakes many small animals!


  The wind blows to the north, blowing and blowing, blowing away wild geese, blowing away cuckoos and swallows. The wind blows to the south. It wakes up the hibernating animals, the snakes, the hedgehogs, the bears and the frogs.


  Spring wind is still a naughty child, she overturned the palette, the beautiful color sprinkled the whole world, the world suddenly became colorful!


  Spring wind sprinkled the same green color on the small trees, pink, red, white, green, yellow Sprinkled on the flowers, the green color sprinkled on the grass.


  Chunfeng is still an introverted little girl. She mumbles in peoples ears and speaks softly. Listen, she is still singing! Chunfeng is not as hot as summer girl, nor as cold as winter sister. She is so gentle and warm, which makes people feel warm.


  This is spring. A gust of wind brings spring Its blowing.










