我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-05-22 13:22:49 赛赛 日志日记 我要投稿
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  小学四年级英语日记带翻译我是左右撇子 1

  其实我也不瞒你们了 ,我是一位左右撇子的女学生。是不是很惊讶,别那么好奇,我现在就给你讲讲;我其实就是一个正正规规的左右撇子,左手也会写,右手也会写,不过用左手写字比较好用,用右手写字比较歪的。


  Actually, I dont hide it from you. Im a left-handed girl student. Isnt it surprising? Dont be so curious. Ill tell you now. Im actually a regular left-handed person. My left hand can write, and my right hand can write, but its easier to write with my left hand, and its crooked to write with my right hand.

  I can write fast in my left hand and slow in my right hand, but I cant write faster with my left hand than the person who went to the campaign for the captain last time. Every time she was the first, I was the second third. Sometimes I also had the first, to be honest.

  小学四年级英语日记带翻译我是左右撇子 2


  Hello everyone, I am a special primary school student in fourth grade. Do you know what? I have a really cool characteristic—I am ambidextrous!


  This means I can do things with both my left and right hand, and do them quite well. When the teacher asks us to practice writing, I can easily switch hands, sometimes writing with my left, other times with my right. My classmates find it fascinating; they often gather around to watch how skillfully I use both my hands.


  Its not just writing; when doing crafts, drawing, or even playing table tennis, I dont limit myself to one hand. I can draw a beautiful picture with my left hand and then turn around and play a fantastic shot in table tennis with my right. This ability makes me feel very comfortable and flexible in many activities.


  Of course, there are small challenges at times, like when some tools are designed specifically for right-handed or left-handed people, and I might need a bit of time to adjust. But most of the time, I can adapt quickly and find which hand works best for the task at hand.


  Being ambidextrous is really fun, and it makes me feel like I have a little superpower, allowing me to play to different strengths in various situations. Im glad to share this special thing about me with all of you, and I hope everyone can discover and appreciate their own unique qualities too.


  Thats me, a happy and one-of-a-kind ambidextrous fourth-grader!

  小学四年级英语日记带翻译我是左右撇子 3

  I am ambidextrous. This might sound surprising to some, but its true. I can use both my left and right hands equally well. Some people find it fascinating, while others might think its strange. But its just a part of who I am.

  Writing with my left hand feels more natural and fluent, while writing with my right hand takes a bit more effort. Its not that Im better at one than the other; its just a matter of preference. Sometimes, I even surprise myself with how well I can use my non-dominant hand.



  小学四年级英语日记带翻译我是左右撇子 4

  As an ambidextrous person, I often find myself using both hands interchangeably in daily tasks. Whether its brushing my teeth, cutting vegetables, or even playing sports, I can switch between hands with ease.

  This ability has also come in handy in some unexpected situations. Once, when I accidentally broke my right arm, I was able to continue with my daily routine using my left hand without much difficulty.



  小学四年级英语日记带翻译我是左右撇子 5

  Although being ambidextrous has its perks, it also comes with its own challenges. Sometimes, I find myself getting confused when trying to use the non-dominant hand for a task that Im usually more proficient with my dominant hand.

  However, the fun part is when I surprise people by using my non-dominant hand for something they didnt expect. Its almost like having a secret talent that I can showcase whenever I want.



  小学四年级英语日记带翻译我是左右撇子 6


  Hello everyone, I am a special primary school student in the fourth grade. Do you know what makes me special? Well, let me share a secret with you—I am ambidextrous.


  At school, when the teacher asks us to practice writing, I can use both my right and left hand, and write quite well with either. My classmates find it fascinating; sometimes they gather around to watch me alternate between my left and right hand for writing. Even when drawing or doing handicrafts, I can effortlessly switch between hands—it doesnt matter which one I use. This flexibility makes me more agile in completing tasks.


  Of course, there are some small challenges too. For instance, when playing catch with friends, I might momentarily hesitate about which hand to use to catch the ball. But most of the time, being skilled with both hands fills me with pride and joy.


  I believe that everyone has their unique qualities, and being able to use both my left and right hands proficiently is mine. It brings me different joys in learning and life and also teaches me to cherish and make the most of every unique aspect of myself.


  So, this is me, a happy ambidextrous kid, hoping that you too can discover and appreciate your own uniqueness!










