我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-09-29 20:59:42 晶敏 日志日记 我要投稿
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  小学六年级英语日记带翻译:洗碗 1


  Today, my parents went out. Before I left, my mother told me, "Jiajia, wash the dishes. Ill check it when I come back! " Then she went out and gave me the messy dishes.


  I put the bowl into the water first, and soon it was all washed, but I felt it with my hand. It was oily and dirty. What can I do? By the way! Use detergent!


  I took a rag and dripped a little detergent on it. At first, I was very careful, for fear that the bowl would break, so I was scolded by mom. The more easy it is to wash it, and sing a song: "wash, wash, wash, wash, wash, clean the dishes, one, two, one!"


  Suddenly, there was a dog barking outside the house. I thought to myself, "Oh! What a naughty dog! " When I was distracted, the dishwasher splashed all over me. Alas, it seems that we should be single-minded in everything we do. We cant be careless. I calmed down, washed slowly, and finally finished. Looking at the white flower bowl, I felt very comfortable.

  爸爸妈妈回来了,我急忙领他们进厨房,爸爸点了点头,说:“不错!” 我听了,心里甜丝丝的,也明白了劳动最光荣的道理。

  Mom and dad came back, I quickly led them into the kitchen, Dad nodded, said: "good!" I heard, sweet heart, but also understand the most glorious truth of labor.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译:洗碗 2


  On Sunday morning, I got up and opened the window to look out. It was very sunny and cloudless outside. I stretched and took a breath of fresh air. I was in a good mood. All of a sudden, I was attracted by a strong fragrance. My grandmother had made many delicious food early: balls, fish, and my favorite fried tomato and egg. So, my family and I ate with relish. After dinner, I saw grandma picking up the dishes. I thought to myself, "grandma works so hard every day. Today, Ill help grandma do the dishes." so I ran to grandma and said, "grandma, Ill help you do the dishes." grandma listened and said happily, "OK, today you do the dishes."


  I turn on the tap, put the bowl in the sink, wash it, then put some detergent in the bowl, rub the inside of the bowl with the dishcloth first, there are many small bubbles on the bowl immediately, white and white, full of hands, its fun. It took me a while to remember that I was washing dishes instead of playing with bubbles. I quickly rubbed the outside of the bowl, so that after washing one after another, I cleaned all the stains on the bowl. Finally, I rinse the dishes with water, and put them one by one in the dishwasher. Looking at these clean bowls, I feel happy!


  Grandma saw that I washed the dishes spotlessly and said happily, "you are really a sensible child, you can help grandma wash the dishes!" I said happily, "this is what I should do, and I will often help you do something within my power in the future." My grandmother and I embrace happily together!










