我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-01 15:46:14 爱情语录 我要投稿




  1.The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about。比被人谈论更糟糕的事只能是不被人谈论。

  2.The play was a great success,but the audience was a disaster。演出相当成功,但观众则是一场灾难。

  3.Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months。时尚就是一种丑陋,因为丑得太难容忍,所以我们每半年要换一拨。

  4.America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between。美国是唯一一个直接从野蛮进入颓废、中间没有经过文明阶段的社会。

  5.The evolution of man is slow。The injustice to man is great。人类的进化很缓慢。他们遭受的不公待遇显而易见。

  6.A man's face is his autobiography。A woman's face is her work of fiction。男人的面孔是他的自传,女人的面容是她的幻想作品。

  7.The basis of optimism is sheer terror。乐观的基础完全是恐惧。

  8.Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future。每个圣人都有过去,每个罪人都有未来。

  9.Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others。邪恶是善良的'人们编造的谎言,用来解释其他人的特殊魅力。

  10.Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence。Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience。结婚是想象战胜了理智,再婚是希望战胜了经验。

  11.An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all。一个思想若称不上危险,那么它就不值得被称作思想。

  12.Men marry because they are tired;women because they are curious;both are disappointed。男人因疲倦而结婚,女人因好奇而结婚;最终他们都会失望。

  13.I like to do all the talking myself。It saves time,and prevents arguments。我喜欢自言自语,因为这样节约时间,而且不会有人跟我争论。

  14.This suspense is terrible。I hope it will last。悬念是可怕的。我希望它一直延续下去。

  15.I like men who have a future and women who have a past。我喜欢有未来的男人和有过去的女人。

  16.A man can't be too careful in the choice of his enemies。一个人在选择他的敌人时,再小心也不为过。

  17.The heart was made to be broken。心是用来碎的。

  18.I love acting。It is so much more real than life。我喜欢看戏。与人生相比,戏剧更加真实。

  19.When I was young,I used to think that money was the most important thing in life,now that I am old,I know it is。我年青时以为金钱至上,而今年事已迈,发现果真如此。

  20.The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it。摆脱诱惑的唯一方法是屈服于它。

  21.A good name,like good will,is got by many action and lost by one。一个好的名声,就像好的意向一样,在很多个举动的形成,在一个举动中失去。

  22.The difference between journalism and literature is that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read。报纸和文学的区别是,报纸没法读,而文学则没人读。

  23.Between men and women there is no friendship possible。There is passion,enmity,worship,love,but no friendship。男女之间不可能存在友谊,有的只是爱恨情仇。

  24.Hatred is blind,as well as love。恨是盲目的,爱亦然。

  25.The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly,terribly deceived。生活的秘诀在于,要好好体尝被骗得很惨的乐趣。

  26.All charming people,I fancy,are spoiled。It is the secret of their attraction。我想所有迷人的人都是被宠爱着的,这是他们吸引力来源的秘密。

  27.Ordinary riches can be stolen,real riches cannot。In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you。平常的财宝会被偷走,而真正的财富则不会。你灵魂里无限珍贵的东西是无法被夺走的。

  28.Ignorance is like a delicate flower: touch it and the bloom is gone。无知就像是一朵精致的花朵:摸一下,它就消失了。

  29.It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information。现如今无用的信息这么少,真是可悲。

  30.Conscience and cowardice are really the same things。良心和怯懦其实是一回事。

  31.Women have a much better time than men in this world。There are far more things forbidden to them。女人在世上的日子要比男人好过得多。她们有太多禁忌。

  32.There is only one real tragedy in a woman's life。The fact that her past is always her lover,and her future invariably her husband。女人的生活中只有一个真正的悲剧:她总在缅怀过去,却必须活在未来。

  33.One's real life is often the life that one does not lead。真实生活就通常就是我们无法掌控的生活。

  34.The well bred contradict other people。The wise contradict themselves。教养良好的人处处和他人过不去,头脑聪明的人处处和自己过不去。

  35.Arguments are extremely vulgar,for everyone in good society holds exactly the same opinion。争论是俗不可耐的,因为道德社会里每个人都持完全相同的观点。

  36.Don't be afraid of the past。If people tell you that it is irrevocable,don't believe them。不要惧怕过去。如果人们告诉你说过去的事情无可挽回,别相信他们。

  37.Popularity is the one insult I have never suffered。声望是我从未经受的侮辱之一。

  38.Thirty five is a very attractive age;London society is full of women who have of their own free choice remained thirty-five for years。三十五岁是一个非常有吸引力的年龄;伦敦社交圈内满是这样好多年一直保持三十五岁的女人,她们可以自由地挑来选去。

  39.To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world,the most difficult and the most intellectual。什么也不做是世上最难的事情,最困难并且最智慧。

  40.Be yourself;everyone else is already takene old,but they never become good。人们越长越老,但绝不会越变越好。

  41.The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on。It is never any use to oneself。处理好建议的唯一方式就是将它传下去。好建议对自己是没有用的。

  42.To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune;to lose both looks like carelessness。失去一个父母可以看成是一种不幸;失去双亲看上去就像是一种粗心了。

  43.Every great man nowadays has his disciples,and it is always Judas who writes the biography。现在每个伟人都有自己的信徒,而他们的传记总由叛徒来写。

  44.Women are never disarmed by compliments。Men always are。That is the difference between the sexes。恭维话从来没有让女人缴械,但可以让男人缴械。这就是性别差异。

  45.I can't get over it, tears are heavier than anything else.觉得过不去了,泪水比什么都还重。

  46.I think one day, I'm cooking, you are making trouble.我想有一天,我在做饭,你在捣乱。

  47.May someone frown for you, do not sleep for you, for your life without regret.愿有人为你皱眉,为你彻夜不睡,为你一生无悔。

  48.I think as long as very seriously like, will move a person.我以为只要很认真的喜欢,就会打动一个人。

  49.Love is beautiful, even the outsiders with tears.情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。

  50.Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears.成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。









