我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-25 13:57:22 经典语录 我要投稿


  1.Actually, I thought the first two renditions were far more compelling. Previously, I felt sympathy for the Leonard character. Now I just find him to be whiny and annoying.其实我觉得前两次的版本更让人印象深刻。起初,我对Leonard的角色感到同情。现在我觉得他唧唧歪歪很烦人。


  2.Oxen are in my bed! Many, many oxen!猛牛在我床上!很多很多猛牛!

  3.I've got more nervous ticks than a Lyme Disease research facility.我说谎的时候,因为紧张产生的扁虱比莱姆关节炎研究设备产生的还多。

  4.Mom smokes in the car. Jesus is okay with it, but we can't tell Dad.老妈在车里抽烟,耶稣觉得没问题,不过不能告诉老爸。

  5.I drank milk that tasted funny.我喝了杯牛奶 味道真好玩儿。

  6.Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary: the word "plenty" has been redefined to mean "two."通知牛津英语词典的.编辑们,"许多"现在被重新定义为"两个"。

  7.If you're having trouble deciding where to sit, may I suggest One Potato, Two Potato -- or as I call it, the Leslie Winkle experimental methodology.如果你不知道该坐哪儿,我建议你念"一个土豆 两个土豆"(一种美国小孩玩的顺口溜)或者按我的叫法 Leslie Winkle的实验方法论。

  8.You'd hit particulate soil in a colloidal suspension. Mud.你应该用胶状悬浮体击打土颗粒(调侃"hit"的原意)。就是泥呗。

  9.You know, it’s amazing how many supervillains have advanced degrees. Graduate schools should probably do a better job at screening those people out.真是奇妙,这些超级大坏蛋都有很高的学历。研究生院该好好做做工作把他们筛选出嘛。

  10.I can't wear different pajamas. These are my Monday pajamas.我不能穿另外的睡裤。这套就是周一穿的。









