我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-24 10:29:12 观后感 我要投稿


  第一篇:观《刮痧》观后感 中英 2200字

  Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son.


  I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences. But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed. 中文翻译: 刮痧是一部反映中美文化差异的电影。徐大同(孩子的爸爸)是圣路易斯的一位电子游戏设计师。他父亲从中国到美国看望孙子,并对孙子进行了刮痧(一种中国传统治疗的方法),哪些留在孙子皮肤上的刮痕被认为是虐待儿童的证据,并将大同告上了法庭。在法院上,由于大同没有证据(或无所是从),以至于他最后丢失对儿子的监护权。我觉得这一幕是令人震惊的,令中国观众发人深省的,但结局给人的印象最深。大同希望在圣诞节前


  第二篇:观《刮痧》观后感 中英 2200字

  Hello 大家好,下面由我来代表我们专业第3组来报告,观刮痧电影,我们组从中感悟到的 Hello everybody,now ,I represent out class group three report this watched movie《刮痧》’s fell 中西文化差异的感受。注意,我们组并不是举出中西文化具体有哪些差异,我们是想说出我 about Chinese and western culture’s differences. attention! Not report something differences, 们对于中西文化差异的感受。

  just the fell.


  Through the movie we can see,guasha is a technology what can represent china’s medical culture .


  but this technology in the western ,this is no science. so it is a abusive behavior.

  这不仅是医学上的科学论据得出的.结论,更多是因为西方人对我们国人还是存在一定歧视 This is not the science wrong,. More from western existence of certain discrimination with Chinese,觉得你们国家根本就什么都不懂,所以他们能肆无忌惮的怀疑你的医学,质疑你的文化。 Think out country is know nothing,so they can unbridled doubt your medical,questioned your culture。

  要想人家尊重你的文化,我们就应该自强。从自我做起。没人想鄙视你,是你让别人鄙视你, If you want the others to respect your culture,the first to improvement yourself。Noboby want to despise you,is you let the others despise you。

  有句话说得好,想赢得别人尊重,就先学会尊重自己。反观现下,崇洋媚外的风气盛行,曾 There is a good saying,You want to be respected by others, you must first learn to respect yourself。 But now ,many people is advocate the foreign .


  It have someone do an experiment,invited a strange girl to party by a foreigners,a lot of girls will 微想想就答应了,甚至有少部分女孩子毫不犹豫的就答应了,但是在现在这个不敢扶老婆婆 go by consider for amoment,and a little girls have no hesitate to promise。But now in this can’t 的中国社会,那个外国人换成了一个中国人,那人换来的最多的就是这女生的猜疑,担心, do good’s china period, if the inviter is a Chinese man ,maybe that man well get the girl’s doubt , 更是直接拒绝。

  worrying, and refuse

  人只会向强者讨好,由此可见,国内此风气,岂不是让人觉得中国就是低人一等。一个没有 People just well fawn on who is stronger than himself。So is this belittle yourself?a no guts 骨气的国家,怎能让人家尊重你的医学?怎能让人家尊重你的文化?所以在我们应做到,不 country,how can let the others respect your medical?how can let the others respect your culture?

  卑不亢与之相处,在谦虚的学习别人好的文化,与知识的同时,在心里要记住,我是为国家 We should get along with foreigners by no inferiority and no arrogant。While we modest learn other people good culture, and knowledge , in the heart to remember,


  I am learning for national rise。

  Thank you ……..my report is over.









