我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-01 19:41:14 读后感 我要投稿


  I dont why but as I go over my book shelf andsee the BIBLE, i would like to read it this time. I feel ashamed asi just read 10 chapter after bought it for almost one year.I knew i am wasting the money andthe room of my book shelf by doing so, i just cant continuereading it. The ancient style of English is too complex to read. Idont like the thy, thee, thou...whatever,, i decided to read asmuch as i could this time in the winter vacation.The more i read, i more i feel that we need a belief, and themore i cant understand foreigner. Maybe i am too childish, i thinkwhat the BIBLE told is just as the fairtale as the conterpart inChinese. We Chinese people considered it as a story only, and passit from generation to generation but stop thinking about it once wegrow up. And we recall those stories when we have babies since wehave to tell them. However, western people do not throw away theirBIBLE as they grow up. Instead, they keep the story in mind. Whythey do so. Why we do not. I am still reading. I am still reading.






《曾国藩日记》读后感 【读后感】08-14




