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时间:2024-08-28 10:45:29 海洁 读后感 我要投稿
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  英文书籍的读后感 1

  Love seems to be the perpetual theme all over the world. But actually what is love? For most girls in 20s, love may mean everything to them. They seek for love bravely no matter what difficulties they may face. In their eyes, love is pure or even holy. However, those are just an ideal situation, n real life; people tend to find a balance between love and property.

  Pride and prejudice is Austin’s great work. Through the discussion of the different marriages and love, the writer demonstrates her concept about love and marriage: love and marriage is closely associated with property and society, however, love and marriage can not only be decided by the property and social status. An ideal marriage should be based on mutual affection, respect and the same interest. She rejects the marriage based only on wealth.

  Different people have different ideas upon marriage. By the description and discussion of the four marriages in the novel, we can see that Austen fully expresses her views on love and marriage. Only by appreciating the marriage founded on the basis of mutual understanding and true love, but also by satirizing the marriage founded on the basis of origin and desire.

  The marriage based on social position and money can’t bring happiness in life. Aimless marriage and love are unpractical.

  Everything goes wrong for poor couples. Marriage based on wealth is not a fault. At least, it can offer us a better condition of life. Property is not everything in the life but without it, we can do nothing. This is called reality. But if you only married for wealth, you sell your liberty. The rest of your life might be miserable, and your marriage will filled with endless bitterness.

  英文书籍的读后感 2

  The famous novel "love life" was a sensation in Europe and America, and has been praised Lenin. Works to show the nature of the strong, brave and adventurous spirit of romance, "To Live" strong will to attract me deeply, is excited about reading. This novel, by Jack London with great artistic strength to calm a soul-stirring account of the life and death struggle of the story, showing how to love life to help overcome the death of a person; Despite the Cross, the sick, exhausted, still in In the struggle to keep up with bare hands in the back of a uniform E Lang, and the world of ice and snow through the wildernestruggling to come to the beach, was finally rescued by a whaler.

  The tragic story, vividly demonstrates the great human and strong. Full display of the depths of human nature Moments, and vivid descriptions of a lifes tenacity and strong, struck up a tenacious hymn to life, the spirits can be described as awesome.

  Life itself contains enormous potential energy. Sometimes life is very fragile moment, it may come to naught; life, but sometimes unusual strong, so strong was amazing. This allows you to power in the face no matter what, even if you swallow is the wild, wild animals, or hunger, disease, and will support you bravely overcome it. And behind the scenes support life, the energy is no doubt that conviction. As long as the hearts of survival is also the belief that they do not easily give up their lives, On the other hand, love life, it is necess.

  英文书籍的读后感 3

  In this summer holidays, I read a book called < Great Expectations>, it was written by Charles Dickens, one of the most famous English writers. He wrote lots of wonderful novels. This book is one of his compositions.

  People always like to compare with their friends. It is a big foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of money, we also want to be rich. If all the people around us are poor , we never mind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashamed because of our folly. This is a social problem.

  If we never possess anything, we will not mind we lost some thing. Since we dont want to be very rich ,we will not feel despond because poor.

  The protagonist of this novel is Pip (Handel). His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brought him up by hand. His sister married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. They didnt have much money, and Pip never went to school to study. But he was often very happy .Because all of his friends are like him. It isnt very unfortunate to them, this is their lives. But by a chance, Pip helped a convict; he gave much food to him. Then he met Miss Havisham, a very strange old woman and she was very rich.

  Four years later, Miss Havisham wants Pip to be removed from his home and educated as a gentleman who expects inherit a fortune when he grow up.

  After hearing that . Pip started to despise his poor friends. He even feel ashamed because he live with the poor man . Pips great expectations destroyed his life.

  This novel told us that we cannot compare with others .Dont feel envy at the others money. And if one day you be very rich , please dont despise your poor friends.

  英文书籍的读后感 4

  She hate bitterly before arriving at her door request to look after and themselves also have no excessive food,she still fulfil her ability the ground helped them,because she hopes to also have the north guy woman of a good heart afar to her just at homing a rice of husband eat.

  Such strong female,the but again is a such gentleness kind and considerate.She persists the ground to believe the rare gift of beauty of si and as,even someone see with own eyes they hug together,also persisting the ground to believe them,protection si beauty.She knows perfectly well pain and

  sufferings that own body cant bear again to grow,but persist the ground to want to hope the gift to give birth to a child for the a again,end leave she loved the close relatives of the lifetime.

  Is really too great,looking at themeilanli,make me thought of much more Chinese ancient times females of,they are also such dociles,work hard in spite of criticism,assist husband and bring up children,then silent unknownly old go to and depart from this life.

  In the whole book,I is a rui for the person that like most especially.He is brave and persists,he can love the beauty of si so and deeply for more than ten years constant.He wants to protect the beauty of si,the doter si beauty,look after the beauty of si,let her everything feel happy,but the beauty of si refused.He says,again the time that eternal love also will dub out,but his love,drive beauty of si,drive rare gift of a,was dub out by the adherence that the si beauty is stupid of.His heart,die.When his daughter leaves him,his heart,return any further not to e.He says,he has always been to have no that patience shear the ground pants and sew and like,then tells the oneself this is similar to lately,just deceive yourself as well as others.Ground is ground,return and dont go to any further,even make allies,the top still stays the crack,is not originally any further that.

  英文书籍的读后感 5

  This story’s name is “The little prince”. As it known to all, we will encounter a lot of difficulties, even hardships. Different people may have different ways to deal with them. After reading The Little Princess, I am deeply impressed by Sara’s way to deal with difficulties. The Little Princess was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a famous novelist and dramatist. Sara, the heroine of the novel, was born in a rich family. In order to get a better education, her father took her from India to London so that she could go to the best school. Because Sara was kind-hearted, generous and most of all—rich, she was loved by everyone. All went well until her father died in an accident. Everything changed completely. She didn’t understand why the teachers and classmates treated her so badly. Even the principal who used to be fond of her, made her work 16 hours a day. Sara’s miserable life began.When I finished reading the book, I was shocked by what the unimaginable pain Sara had suffered after her father’s death. She used to be a happy, worriless, and rich Princess, but now she was a lonely and poor servant. She had to work very hard without any rest but only had little food. Besides she had to endure the unfriendly and even rude ways that her classmates treated her. All teachers and students in the school looked down upon her. The most important fact is that Sara had lost the love and care of her parents.What a mighty pain! If you were Sara, could you stand such pain? Needless to say, an 11 years old girl, even if it were an adult, he might not put up with it. But to my surprise, Sara faced it bravely.

  Despite of the torture of the principal and all those pressures above, she still was optimistic towards life. By reading this novel, I felt inspired and think much. When we meet such difficulties, what should we do? Some people always complain that the fate is unfair to them. Some people can’t sustain the hardships and choose to give up. Few of them even try to commit suic ide because they lack the courage to overcome it. Compared with Sara—an eleven years old girl who can treat the pressure of life with optimistic spirit, these people’s performances are sounded so lamentable. Why can’t they make it?However, what impress me most are her characteristics and the thought of her “being a real princess.” This “real princess” does not mean luxury palaces, beautiful clothes and the apple of the others’ eyes, but being kind, generous and having good manners. It is unnecessary for “a real princess” to be strong in body, but she must be strong in will. Sara is a real princess in my heart all the time, whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in the classroom or she was cold and hungry in the attic, just because she had the good characters and kind heart. The story went on. Fortunately, a friend of Sara’s father found her and told her that her father left a great sum of money to her. I pray and believe that every good person in the world deserve a good result, and of course, we are the same.

  英文书籍的读后感 6

  For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

  These verses are especially focusing on God’s salvation plan. Throughout the church age, the dominant teaching of most Biblical churches was to tell the brothers and sisters of the congregations how they might be sure they are saved or how they might bee saved. A careful analysis of the teachings of these denominations invariably shows that they include the requirement that some contribution be made by the individual seeking salvation. These contributions could include actions such as water baptism, public profession of faith, the act of accepting Christ, the partaking of the Eucharist or munion table, or praying a certain kind of prayer. In virtually every case, there was a definite violation of the law of God, which clearly stipulates that all the work of saving a person was done by Christ, long before that person was born.

  In Hebrews 8:10-11, quoted above, God emphasizes that once the full revelation of the Bible occurs, the teaching on salvation in the world will be altogether Biblical. Mankind will not be taught how they might bee saved, but rather that salvation is entirely the work of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). God will saving a great multitude who actually may understand very little of the Bible.

  英文书籍的读后感 7

  Jane eyre this book is the great writer charlotte Brontes famous work, is also a famous novel. In the novel, she joined the own life background, succeeded in shaping the Jane eyre this have ideal, have ambition, have individual character of woman, you love. Jane eyre parents early death in my uncle, my uncle died, after her aunt sends her to an orphanage, came to thorne field, when the hero home tutor, Mr Roach department Mr Roach eccentric, after several contact, Jane eyre fell in love with him. When their wedding, mason came into pointed out that the castle attic room is a roach, a mad woman, the wife of Mr, Jane would not as a mistress, left the thorne field. Came to a remote place with the help of the priests found a village teacher profession.

  When the priest asked Jane got married, she reminded Mr Roach division. When back to thorne stole the castle is in ruins. Jane eyre to Finn, Mr Roach, live to the roach Mr Forrests arms... After reading this book, appearance is ordinary to my heart as if added a confidence, because it is I understand the connotation of the rich more than the beauty of appearance. I believe that the writing can bring women a lot of enlightenment, also, it can also become our younger generation on the life philosophy of revelation. It is not only the face of love, people should show the dignity, more let a person produce such a belief, that is in the life, autonomy, self-reliance, self-esteem makes people believe that their own ability, frequency more courage to strive for success and dignity.

  英文书籍的读后感 8

  This month, I have finished book live which describes how a man lives strongly after experiencing his whole family members dead. This story is a tragedy but the major character insists on living instead of committing suicide. The main role’s name is Fu Gui whose family is very rich. He is a gambler and loses all his family property earned by his grandfather. He is caught by the army and used as labor on his way to find a doctor for his mother. After a few years, he comes back to home and is reunited with his family. After a while, his son dies because of blood donation. In his whole life, his daughter, his wife, his son-in-law and his grandson die one after another. Finally, he is the only one who survives with an almost dying cow.

  After so many horrible things, Fu chooses to live and does not cry the following of his life. Maybe he has already given up any hope to live happily but he needs to live.. The truth that no one but him is in his family has not knocked him down. However, I think that the thing which is alive is his body not his heart. In the end of the story, he and his cow walk in the field and he talks to the cow and calls out all his family’s name. Eventually, he lives with his family which is in his memory.

  Life will never go smoothly. People will face a lot of difficulties and setbacks in their journey. As a pessimist, life is a tragedy for me. We have to work hard and compete with others to survive without any rest. After more than ten year’s study, I finally go to college but I have to forget everything I have learned before and learn a different way to survive in the society. I feel so tired but I cannot give up because my family needs me. We are the least important things for the whole world but we are the most significant gifts for our family.We are human not animal, which dooms us to struggle for our life. We have no choice but to fight. No matter what happens, the only thing we need to remember: as long as we live, we will have hope in the future.

  英文书籍的读后感 9

  Guy de Maupassant was the child of an unhappy marriage. His mother has been dessccrriibbeedd as neurotic and his father as a man who sought relief from his wife in the arms of other women. Perhaps the collapse of his parents marriage engendered de Maupassants pessimism, reflected particularly in his stories about infidelity and failed relationships. It certainly influenced his own attitude toward women, which, in turn, affected his creation of characters in stories such as "The Necklace."

  Events in History at the Time of the short story

  The purpose of women. De Maupassants attitude toward women was ambivalent. He was one of few nineteenth-century authors to recognize and celebrate womens sensuality rather than regard it as a sign of corruption. He was also, however, devastatingly cruel to women, whether in his own life or in his fiction. He remended that the French Academy mission a treatise on how to "break decently, properly, politely, without noise, scene or violence, with a woman who adores you and with whom you are fed up" (de Maupassant in Steegmuller, p. 178). He scoffed at monogamy, insisting that he could not understand how two women could not be better than one, three better than two, and ten better than three.

  英文书籍的读后感 10

  After I read these two different versions of Cinderella, I found there are many similarities and differences between them. First, I will go over the common things that these two books ha一ve. They both ha一ve very similar characteristics. For example, Cinderella is always a very beautiful and nice girl. She has to do all the hard and dirty work under the discipline of bad characters. Bad characters are commonly involved in these stories. For example, Yeh-Shen had a wicked stepmother, who promoted her own child, but was very mean to her. Rhodopis, a Greek sla一ve girl living in Egypt, had her companion servants who made fun of her appearance and kept distance from her. Second, they ha一ve both ha一ve a similar plot and theme. Both stories ha一ve a good ending toward their destiny. In both versions of Cinderella, they finally get great rewards and marry to the royalties. Third, there are always some belongings being taken away from Cinderella. Elegant dresses, shoes, and rose-red slippers often play important roles in these stories. For example, in the Chinese version of Cinderella, Yeh-shen lost the gold shoes in a huge parade. The king got the shoes and found a long way to find the right person who could fit in it. Fourth, they are all attributed to the supernatural or animals. In the Chinese version of Cinderella, Yeh-Shen was helped by the Fish spirit, and Rhodopis was helped by the falcon. Fifth, the most but not the least, they are both illustrated by beautiful colors and textures to describe the story of Cinderella. This is especially true in the story of the Egyptian Cinderella, which presents great details of life in ancient Egypt. Certainly, there are also some differences between these two books. The Egyptian Cinderella was based on a true story of ancient Egypt to some extent .This is unlike other fairy tales, which use a lot of imagination. In the history of ancient Egypt, Rhodopis did marry to the King Pharaoh Amasis. Furthermore, there is no punishment to bad characters in the Egyptian version of Cinderella.

  I like the Chinese version of Cinderella better because it originated from China. I ha一ve heard this type of story a long time ago. It has some sort of traditional Chinese culture values and elements inside the story as well. In addition, it was illustrated by Ed.Young whom I ha一ve very strong respect for. To conclude, no matter whether they are western or eastern versions of Cinderella, they all tell the great fairy tales that we like. One thing I ha一ve learned from these fairy tales is that we need to be optimistic when we encounter problems in our life. The final outcome will turn out great if we try very hard towards our goals and make it happen.

  英文书籍的读后感 11

  Madame Curies succebenefits from her parents good education. In turbulent years, what aristocrats family background takes to her parents is lives the earth-shaking change. Her parents actually positively face the reality, optimistically and lives joyfully. They have taught Madame Curie, when facing difficulty, does not change own ambition, realizes own ideal firmly. Because the goal is just firm.

  Madame Curie only then advances boldly under that difficult condition, moves toward another succefrom a success. And does not care about the money and the honor. Madame Curie experiences many difficulties are not especially unfortunate. In each persons life will have like this with such difficulty. The key is when faces the difficulty, we have made what kind of choice. The peaceful learning environment, she has not learned to study wholly absorbed in noise. Has not studied the fund, she chose herself to work as the worker, deputed gram radium with several year ……Was not the destiny changed our life, was we each one choice which made facing the life, has been doomed finally a persons succeand the defeat. reads the Madame Curie biography, what are more is becomes aware regarding the life feeling. The reason that Madame Curie is revered mother of for the science, is because she chose one to since childhood become mothers of the science path, and the goal was clear in the later each choice, the faith was firm. But our most people were premature gave up our dream, no longer had the direction, no longer made the choice for the faith. Madame Curie is a very not common woman, is a great woman, is a big wisdom woman, is human who is worth us studying well.

  英文书籍的读后感 12

  "Jane Eyre" is the history of British literature as a classic masterpieces, it successfully portrays the history of British literature in the first to love, life, society and religion are independent and proactive attitude and dare to struggle, dare to fight for freedom and equality of women image.

  Most women who love foreign literature like to read Charlottes Jane eyre. If we think Charlotte just wrote Jane Eyre for the love. I think its wrong. The author was also a woman who lived in a volatile Britain in the middle of the nineteenth Century, when the thought had a new beginning. In "Jane Eyre", the most permeated is the idea of womens independent consciousness. Let us imagine that if Janes independence has long been strangled in Jirenlixia childhood life; if she does not have the independence, she had and his wife and daughter live together in Rochester, began to have money, and status of new life; if she does not share of purity, we are now in the hands of "Jane Eyre" is no longer touching the tears of the classic. So I began to think about why Jane Eyre moved us and loved her, her independent personality, and her charming personality.

  However, we can not help asking, can only this step be independent? I dont think so. After all, womens independence is a long process, not overnight. It needs a thorough courage, like Jane then decided to leave Rochester, "the wind rustling Xi Zhuang earth went to the Yi River is so cold, did not return" bold and daring. I think this should be the most crucial step, and it should be a decisive step towards independence. Charlottes Jane Eyre left us with a strong personality and independent personality. So she was a successful, happy woman.

  Jane has been an independent female classic, I hope the sun, flowers in more Jane walked out, whether poor or rich; whether beautiful or homely, have a good mind and enrich the mind, can be an independent personality and a strong personality life.

  英文书籍的读后感 13

  The book I read this week entittled the Red and the Black, which is undoubtedly among the best liturature works. As a person who haven’t had much knowledge in literature, any comments on this work seem to be rather naive and even sort of reckless. But this is the only book I have access to recently. With much deliberation, I would like to write down following words.

  The book mainly tells a story about a man named Julien, who came from a carpenter’s family and got a shrewd father and two elder brothers characterized by huge size and rudeness. Though he wasn’t quite athletic, he got talent with his memory. He could recite the whole contents of the Bible, which made him admired by people around him and win him a job as a family teacher. And this is the part where our story begins. Under his gorgeous face, there exists a relentless lust for fortune, power and status, all of which derive from his persuit of happiness, dignity and freedom and finally contributed to his downfall. He worshiped Nepolen the most, and he is willing to die a thousand times to win his success. He desires for love, yet sometimes he used it as a tool to obtain his status and power. However, he had never given up showing his sympathy for the poor and contempt to the Noble. His pureness blended together with ambition and felt self-abased and conceited at the same time. As a young man, he ignored what’s really important for him—being loved. And he just realized this until death was around the corner. The story is a tragedy, for he hasn’t got what he wanted in the end and he sacrificed too much for his contemporary fame and fortune. At the last few hours of his life, those happy times he spent with his loved ones gave him courage to face death penalty with calm . when he realized that he didn’t have to tolerate the world filled with fakeness or put a mask on his face, he died with ease.

  Julien stands for the group of people coming from the low class in the society and hope to achieve success with their own efforts. These people usually don’t have the necessary conditions to become successful, but they will by no means stop trying or let God tells them what their lives should be like, instead, they are willing to sacrifice anything to realize their dreams and earn their dignity. For these people, no matter what the consequences their struggle may be, I should forever pay my tribute to them. To some extent, they are the makers of the world.

  英文书籍的读后感 14

  On this holiday, I read a book called Gullivers travels. The author of the book is the best satirical expert and politician in Britain in the early eighteenth Century - Jonathan Swift.

  The first place in Gullivers adventures was the villain. There he was able to drag the entire naval fleet with one hand, a large number of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and lots of barrels of wine at a meal. In order to send the giant to the capital, he used five hundred craftsmen, countless ropes, nine hundred big men, fifteen thousand big royal horses, and so on. In a small country so that all competition and war inevitably seem small petty. With the height of heel partisan divide, "high-heeled party" and "low with Party infighting, neighboring countries not only irreconcilable opposed to; want to conquer and enslave each other, but also should eat egg debate where head knock like trifles" principles "problem.

  Giant in the country, he has become giants of the doll, was playing in the palm of your hand, and fight against flies and birds; later, he came to the mysterious flying island, people here use the flying island of the lower part of the natural magnet and the seabed under the force of a magnet, want to move, this is also a at any time, engage in some special summoned the ghost of dialogue rather baffling the study of the strange country.

  I admire the hero to honor to Hui from country to country, Hui from country to country is the pursuit of the ideal situation and yearning, here you dont need to worry about other people say is true, but in reality, there are so many things we dont want to see someone with blandishments cheat other peoples hard-earned money, people and children profiteering and some people even sacrifice their all for money. No wonder our parents and teachers have taught us to be vigilant and not to be deceived. This is very difficult to unite with others, who help others and love others. When I meet someone who is in trouble, I want to lend a helping hand. I hesitate. When someone comes to help me out, I cant accept it. All this makes me feel miserable, contradictory and at a loss what to do. Isnt it sad that it prevents me from "loving" other people and also "missing" other peoples love?

  I am looking forward to the day when our society is like the kingdom of Hui, the childrens eyes no longer have doubts, and education and reality are united. I would like to work hard for this, and I hope all of you will join me in doing it yourself, and from now on, let this society be more sincere and less hypocritical.

  英文书籍的读后感 15

  Oliver Twist one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens’ is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.

  The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

  The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist an orphan who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain such as hunger thirst beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief as was written in all the best stories the goodneeventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them or Rose read to him and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.

  How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodnecould conquer every difficulty. Although I don’t think goodneis omnipotent yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.

  For me the nature of goodneis one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodneis to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodneis an utterly worthleperson. On the contrary as the famous saying goes ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’ he who is with goodneundoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.

  英文书籍的读后感 16

  The Necklace: Reflections and Confessions of Human’s Vanity

  “What would have happened if she hadn’t lost that necklace? Who knows? Who knows? How strange and changeful is life! How small a thing is needed to make or ruin us!” This is what impressed me most in “The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant. I love the story not only due to the incredibly wonderful ending, but also because of the exquisite description of the weakness of humanity.

  In his story, Guy de Maupassant creatively reveals Mathilde Loisels dreams of a wealthy, splendid lifestyle. Mathildes lifetime of misery and despair is solely caused by her own selfish acts. And her vain obsession all ended up ruining her life.

  Vanity is defined as excessive pride, especially in your appearance. In Mathildes case, the "excessive pride" in her looks and charm caused her to feel as if she deserved a higher ranking social class and the wealth. When she wore the necklace to the party, she wanted to give the illusion that she was something that she was not. Vanity caused Mathilde to fantasize about her life and surroundings-to live in a world of illusion, rather than reality.

  Her life was affected in a negative way because of her obsession with vanity. It is so sad that she honestly felt successful the night of the dinner, just because of her looks and her surroundings. What a distorted view of true happiness and fulfillment! NEither an elegant dress or a beautiful piece of jewelry can make a person who they are. A caring and loving person has to be unselfish. Mathilde Loisel definitely lacked a caring and loving personality. The only person she proved to love was the person she wanted to be. Had Mathilde not spent so much of her life selfishly, she and Mr. Loisel could have had a lifetime of happiness. The most ironic and interesting piece of the story is the conclusion. Their lives were ruined for no reason. Had she told Mrs. Forrestier the truth about the lost necklace, she would have known that the necklace was just costume jewelry. Actually, it’s a tragedy made by herself, for she was conquered by the evil of her heart.

  In pursuit of vanity may lead to the loss of ourselves. Accept who we are and to be to true to ourselves or else it will contribute to constant unhappiness. Happiness or misfortune, it all depends.

  英文书籍的读后感 17

  Recently, I have reading the book "Jane Eyre”. Although I forgot some details in the book, Jane gave me deeply impression, I admire her very much. After that the teacher also told us to put the play in to a movie, and then we all can touch each hero’s soul in the book. The play it mainly tell us how Jane is growing up when suffering from great difficulties and painless. whats more, it is impressed me that she still love her master even if he is blind at last due to rescue his mad wife. And I like the Classic lines what Jane said to Mr. Rochester :"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal,--as we are!" its so beautiful, Jane is a girl who will never lose confidence in life and always sensible when handling with some motional problems. Jane was huge in my heart. She can control her life and fate. She knew how to continue her life and she got it!

  Maybe after what she told me I have known that what love is and how to love and to be loved! The book is a book worth of reading, so all in all let’s enjoy it!

  英文书籍的读后感 18

  The feeling of 《pride And prejudice》

  Then man treat great event in one’s life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle cla of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself’s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too .So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter .She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women’s emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .

  The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord’s family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers.Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused.Elizabeth’s misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him.Reach the thes of the west in fact status’ the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals .Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expreions of paing by, dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.

  英文书籍的读后感 19

  Look for a long time, heart mixed feelings, but it does not say this, so I can only talk about the idea, the idea is put together out of order more precisely, I love life, love is not too pretentious, or write something. Thats withering.

  I think the most exciting project in the history of China is not the Great Wall, but Dujiangyan.

  Mention Chinese, should first think of the the Great Wall, a huge project, experienced countless dynasties still stands in the earths territory, far from the point of view, the suffering of the people was in the wild desert between human built a 10000 barrier, so can not ignore his military role and human willpower performance. When you see the Great Wall on TV, you will feel that it gives history, and gives the nation a sense of heaviness.

  But speaking of Dujiangyan, which is in Qin Shihuang built the the Great Wall money for decades has been built on the water conservancy project, although it is far better than the vast momentum of the Great Wall, but he was firmly to serve the people of Sichuan for thousands of years, nourish this fertile soil, the benefit of the human effect is far greater than the the Great Wall. Also because of the Dujiangyans Zhu Geliang, Liu Beis ambition. It is, Zhang Fei, Zhao Zilong Yunchang, valorously. Li bai. The literary grace of Du Fu and other poets.

  When the author writes that first came to Dujiangyan to see water conservancy project at the scene, when he praises Dujiangyan with a feeling that, I cried, really cried, I can only write this, moved no thoughts, also dont know how to describe, but I understand as a writer the contemporary Chinese literati, heart chain, for todays society are confused. Searching for the true cultural behavior of China without hardship. It was also moved and amazed by the authors words and phrases used in depicting historical sites. Its so plain and without losing the atmosphere. I really cant write it.










