我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-03-22 09:58:25 主持词 我要投稿




  晚会主持稿英文 篇1

  Host Lines

  Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders, teachers and students, Good afternoon!

  I am glad to be here as your host. My name is XXX. I am XXX. Firstly, please allow me to introduce the

  distinguished leaders and guests in the party, they are …

  It is such a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar. I’d like to extend our warm welcome to the students and teachers of XXX high school. First, let's applause for the president to give the opening speech. The eight students who studied a year in XXX high school will sing a beautiful song, "Welcome to Dali” . Now please enjoy it !

  " Cause love in our hearts " is a pop song and next , XXX with other students will perform it, please put up your hands and give me some applause! The next program is Jin li Chao, Dancing to the Classic music by XXX, please welcome!

  Morden dance is one of most amazing dances in the world, for it has its own unique style, now please enjoy Morden dance "Together" by XXX and other students.

  Guzheng is one of the representative ancient Chinese musical instruments, but also an embodiment of Chinese cultureaccumulated over thousands of years! Now please enjoy Taekwondo performance accompanied at Gu Zheng by XXX. I have a question here for you guys: have you had enough with Modern dance? No? OK, the next program is surely going to meet your need. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome XXX and her Tik Tok.

  Apart from Gu Zheng, Pipa is also a kind of string musical instrument. The attractive sound it creates is better than anything you have ever heard. Please welcome XXX for the most wonderful Pipa performance. The next program is Jin li Chao, Dancing to the Classic music by XXX, please welcome! The next program is Jin li Chao, Dancing to the Classic music by XXX, please welcome!

  After watching so many wonderful performances by ourChinese students, now our Australian friends also want to show us their talents, please warmly welcome!

  Friendship never ends. That’s a sweet piece of blessing for all of you and so is the name of the next program. Please welcome the chorus.

  WingTsun belongs to the martial art, which has ever beenplayed by Bruce Lee on the silver screen. Today we are so delighted to have XXX play it for us. Please give the biggest round of applause for them!

  Thank you for your wonderful performances! During two-week stay in Dali No.1 high school, the Australian friends

  experienced and learned a variety of Chinese culture, including Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese folk music and folk dance.

  How time flies! We can’t stop the time passing, but we do can change our own feelings, all the best blessings and wishes are expressed in music and dance.

  we hope that the friendship between XXX high school and Dali No.1 high school will last forever!

  A: here, We have hardworking teachers and diligent students! B: Here, We have ink fragrance and the beating pulse of youth A: Here, We have passion for life and dreams for our future All: Because we always believe that tomorrow is going to be better! And now it comes to the end of the party, Ladies and

  gentlemen, good bye.

  晚会主持稿英文 篇2

  Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders, teachers and students, Good evening! I am the host Liang Chen, I am Christine. Firstly, please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests in the evening party, they are ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? While we are still enjoying ourselves in the New Year Festival, tonight we are more delighted to be here with the students and teachers from the State University of New York. And it is such a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar, now I’d like to extend our warm welcome to the students and teachers of State University of New York, It’s cold outside in winter, but we have passion inside. Dear friends, let’s just light our passion and enjoy this wonderful evening! When China suffered from 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake disasters in 2008, State University of New York offered lots of help to us, We really appreciate it! In order to express our gratitude, the eight students who studied a year in State University of New York will sing a beautiful song, "take me home, country road" .Now please enjoy it !

  " Por Una Cabeza " is a classic tango from the classic movie "Scent of a Woman" , Next ,Ma Li with other students will perform this tango, please welcome!

  Uygur dance is one of most amazing dances in the world, for it has its own unique style, now please enjoy Uighur dance "Happy dancing ." by Liu Yuqing and other students.

  Guzheng is one of the representative ancient Chinese musical instruments, but also an embodiment of Chinese culture accumulated over thousands of years! Now let’s enjoy the music "Yuzhouchangwan"

  After watching so many wonderful performances by our Chinese students, now our American friends also want to show us their talents, please warmly welcome!

  Thank you for your wonderful performances! During a-week stay in our Sichuan Agricultural University, the American friends experienced and learned a variety of Chinese culture, including Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese folk music and folk dance, Now they will sing the famous song Jasmine for us, welcome!

  A famous Chinese singer Song Zuying once sang a famous song - jasmine in Vienna Golden Concert Hall, tonight the young teachers from my university will sing the series of folk songs including jasmine, please enjoy it!

  I think a lot of students do want to have a close contact and communication with American students, don’t you? Well, next we are going to play a game with the American students, I hope you can take an active part in. and here are the rules for the game .

  Hip-hop is the symbol of youth and vitality, modernity and passion, now please enjoy breaking dance!

  There is a famous Chinese guy enjoying a good reputation both at home and abroad, he is famous for his amazing Kongfu, and he is Bruce Lee. Now let us enjoy a wonderful martial arts show.

  China has thousands of years ‘ civilization and 56 ethnic groups’ diversified and splendid culture, and among them , Tibetan ethnic minority is like a snow lotus flower rooted in the Chinese big family , Tibetan dance is very elegant and holy ,passionate and unique .now please enjoy the Tibetan dance " the song on the snowy land! "

  How time flies! We can’t stop the time passing, but we do can change our own feelings, all the best blessings and wishes are expressed in music and dance ,and at the highlights , let's sing the song Auld Lang Syne together , and we hope that the friendship between State University of New York and Sichuan Agricultural University will last forever!

  A: here, We have hardworking teachers and diligent students!

  B: Here, We have ink fragrance and the beating pulse of youth

  A: Here, We have passion for life and dreams for our future All: Because we always believe that tomorrow is going to be better!

  Let us bless in the new year, we hope that the friendship between State University of New York and Sichuan Agricultural University will last forever! We hope the young people in both United States and China can cherish our friendship and make a great contribution to the development of Sino –American relationship!

  And that comes to the end of the party, Ladies and gentlemen, good night.

  晚会主持稿英文 篇3

  P:Thank you for your wonderful performance . Please give them your loud applause .


  P:Ladies and gentleman , boys and girls , good evening ! Welcome to our English party .

  I’m the host , Peter .

  A:I’m Athena .

  P:We are happy to gather here and hold an English party . It’s our great honor, isn’t it ?


  P: First of all , please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders ,judges and guests in the evening party .


  P:They are ....


  P:Let’s give our warmly welcome .

  A:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!Peter, do you still remember your first day at school ?

  P:Yes, of course . Everyone may have some unforgettable experience in school life .Let’s enjoy English drama Peter’s First Day at School . Performer: Class6. Clap your hands for their performance .

  A:接下来请欣赏英语短剧:Peter’s First Day at School 表演者:七(6)班 掌声有请!

  A:Boys and girls , are you happy tonight ? Do you want to play a game ? Clap your hands for Miss Qian.(Let’s hug 钱婷)

  P: When you read , you begin with?

  A: ABC

  P: When you sing, you begin with ?

  A: Do Re Mi

  P:Let’s enjoy English Mini Musical Drama : Do Re Mi Performers: Class7

  A:下面请欣赏英语音乐剧,表演单位:七(7)班 ,掌声有请!

  P:Thanks for their performance. It’s wonderful ,isn’t it ? There are many choices in life . Are you

  regretful for your choice ? Let’s enjoy poetry reading : The Road Not Taken .Performers:Class 8

  A:生活中我们总是面临很多选择,那么你对未选择的路遗憾过吗?下面请欣赏诗朗诵:The Road Not Taken 表演单位:七(八)班

  P:Clap your hands for Miss Zhou. She will bring us a surprise . (You do, I guess 周利平)

  A:Peter, look, there are many animals in our party.

  P:Yes, they are really very lovely . Let’s invite them to join our party . Clap your hands for Crazy Animals . Performers : Class 1

  A:下面请欣赏情景剧:Crazy Animals ,表演单位七(1)班,掌声有请!

  A:Are you proud of yourself ? We are proud of you . Let’s enjoy chorus:proud of you . Performers:Class 14 . 掌声有请七(14)班同学们为我们带来小合唱Proud of You .

  P: Everyone is so great ! It’s time for a break . Let’s play a game : Simon Says . Clap your hands for Miss Xu .(Simon Says 徐瑾)

  A:Wherever you go,whatever you do, I’m right here waiting for you .Let’s enjoy dancing: Right Here Waiting for you . 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,我一直在这儿等你,下面请欣赏right here waiting for you performers: Class 7/9/16 表演单位:7/9/16班

  P:Wolf is Coming is an educational and well-known story in China . Maybe you know this story, but you never see the story performed by our students .


  P: Clap your hands for Class 2 . Wolf is coming .


  P:Wonderful performance! Thank you . Clap your hands for Miss Huang .Blow out the candles. (黄志芬)

  P:Childhood is like a chocolate, the sweet taste is always in our memory .Let’s enjoy singing and dancing :Childhood . Performers :Class13

  A:童年像一块巧克力,它的甜永远留在我们记忆中。下面请欣赏歌伴舞:童年 表演单位:七(13)班

  P:We are always moved by the sincere emotion in our life .Because of love, the world is becoming peaceful and warm . Let’s enjoy chorus : My Love . Performers : Class 3 and Class4 Clap your hands for their performance .

  A:我们总是被生活中真诚的情感感动,因为有爱,这个世界变得平静而温暖。下面请欣赏大合唱:My Love 表演单位七(3)七(4)班 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的表演。

  P: Let’s play a game : Words Chain . Are you ready ? Go! (李白林)

  A: We have seen the wonderful show of the students . What about the teachers ?


  P:We are glad to invite the leaders ,judges and teachers to join the game : Catch the Chair . A: 我们很高兴邀请现场的领导,老师,评委参加抢凳子游戏,掌声有请!(王荣丽)

  P:Monkey Hit Lady White is well-known to all of us . Monkey King is smart and brave.And Lady White is changeable and good at making bad blood .

  A: 三打白骨精是西游记中家喻户晓的精彩故事,孙悟空聪明勇敢,嫉恶如仇,白骨精善变,还特别擅长挑拨离间?

  P:Are you looking forward the English drama Monkey Hit Lady White ? Let’s give our warmly welcome to the performers from Class 11.

  A:有没有很期待英语话剧《三打白骨精》? 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎11班的同学们给我们带来精彩的表演,掌声有请!

  P:Thank you . Because of you, we enjoy this nice night . Let’s enjoy jazze . Performers: Class2 A:Oh,wonderful performance! Welcome Miss Lin to organize a singing competition . Welcome !(现场拉歌,林云)

  P:Are you happy tonight ? Mr Chen would like to sing a song to us . Take me to your heart . Welcome!

  P:Here in my hand is the final results of each program . It means the most exciting moment is coming .But before that, we want to thank all the judges for your hard work and all the performers for their active participation .

  A:在我手上是这次晚会评选的最终结果,这意味着最激动人心的时刻即将到来!在宣布结果之前,我们要感谢所有的评委辛勤的工作,所有的演员积极参与。And of course, all the audience, without you this party can’t be perfect . 当然还要感谢我们的观众,没有你们,这台晚会不可能完美。Thanks for being here the whole night .感谢你们一整晚都在这儿。

  P:Can you feel the most exciting moment ? I’d like to announce the third winners are....

  Then, the second winners are ..... And how exciting the moment is ! The champions are ....

  A:Happy time is always too short . And it is time to say goodbye 美好的时光总是如此短暂,到了该说再见到时候!

  P:Every end means a new start . We wish all the distinguished guests ,teachers and students happiness .每一个结束意味着一个新的开始,我们希望所有来宾,老师们,同学们幸福快乐!

  P&A:Ladies and gentleman , that’s the end of the party. Good night ! See you next year !

  晚会主持稿英文 篇4


  主持稿 陈:Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders, teachers and students, Good evening! I am the host 丹萍 陈

  郭:尊敬的各位领导、敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学,晚上好,我是郭常静柔 童:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our party ! I am the host 孝杰 童



  陈: let’s warming welcome again ----the presence of the honorable leaders and the distinguished teachers!

  郭:再次欢迎各位老师的到来。感谢星尚彩妆学校对本次晚会的大力支持。好,我现在宣布英本132班u 主题晚会


  童:Youth is an ever-lasting theme. For all of us young, the four years in the university will be one of the most important periods in our life.

  邓:因为你,因为我,因为每一个朝气蓬勃的科院学子,接下来让我们欣赏张宇带来的《proud of you》

  陈: Here, we will closely sense the developing pace of the era; we will meet the distinguished teachers who will strongly influence us in our whole life. Here, is the place where mind revolution will happen to us.


  童:Time flies, the youth are bloom here, we fight for our ideals. 邓:时光荏苒,青春在这里绽放,为了理想我们摩拳擦掌 。

  童:As year by year, our dream are still bright, the beautiful ideals are flying here.


  童:The situation now is full of beautiful, sweet and passion.






  陈:Only because of you will then my world be beautiful.Because of you, my sky is never dark.You give me joy, you sadly cry for me Prospers for me, letting me open my wings and fly.你知道是那首歌吗?

  童:(唱出来)我的世界因为有你才会美 ,我的天空因为有你不会黑,给我快乐



  童:It’s true that we are a generation full of happiness.


  童:It’s true that we are a generation full of happiness.


  童:We have dreams,we have inspiration.Therefore, let’s welcome 郭常静柔‘s performance called “Moonlight”.



  郭:Thanks for your compliment 安静的舞蹈之后,让大家动起来吧,歌曲《bye bye bye》

  邓:welcome~陈唯玮 韩婷

  陈:the party does not give gifts today, only through the game to send gifts. 邓:今天晚会不送礼,送礼只通过做游戏送。想玩游戏的同学请注意咯~这个游戏需要运用到简单的英语单词(游戏规则).......


  童:I’m here .

  郭:哇,还有两美女相伴,难怪哟,抛弃我。怎么?准备给大家来一曲么? 童:那是当然的,请欣赏当古筝遇上电子琴.......呵呵


  邓:男女之间总能擦出不一样的火花,古筝与电子琴也很奇妙哟,赞一个! 陈:hehe~China's Qixi Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th month according to the lunar calendar, is based on a love story of a cowherd and a fairy seamstress



  童:A very fine performance.Next,let's welcome the lovely girls bring the fun dancing.

  郭:接下来一群sunny girl 为我们带来舞蹈《sunny》

  邓:感谢星尚彩妆学校对本次晚会的大力支持!爱情自古以来一直被人传颂,一 千对情侣就有一千种爱情故事,但是我的`爱只对你有感觉。情歌对唱《只对你有感觉》,表演者:马莉莉、童孝杰

  陈:When life tries to knock all the wind out of you,You’ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punches


  陈: If all life offers is black and blue,You’ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punches.

  郭:如果生活只是黑色或者蓝色,你得学会逆来顺受,接下来这个节目我希望大家能闭上双眼用心去倾听《roll with the punches》.

  童:The happy time is always short, we are moves by the meeting time 邓:快乐的时光总是那么短暂,团聚的日子特别让人感动

  陈:Tonight, we are singing and laughing, tonight, we are imagining the future. 郭:今晚我们欢歌笑语,今夜我们畅想未来

  陈:Let’s remember today, let’s look forward tomorrow.

  邓:让我们记住今天 ,让我们展望明天

  童: 老师,同学们,英本132班外文晚会“u”到此圆满结束,祝大家晚安! 郭:感谢星尚彩妆学校对本次晚会的大力支持!

  晚会主持稿英文 篇5

  Distinguished leaders:

  I am graduated from guizhou normal college,with the aspire and respect for your school.I sincerely wrote this introductory letter, to completely show you about me, my dream is to be a teacher and admire the this vocation. with persistent pursuit of the ideal, I am luckily to become a member guizhou normal college.

  I am honest ,loyal, diligent and pragmatic,I will persist to improve myself;My Obvious features is optimistic, confident, gentle cheerful, calm and steady generous, therefore, I am harmony with others, I have a well adapt ability to the environment. My biggest advantage is patient,and my biggest Weakness is lack of confidence.

  I really cherish the school time, continuously improve myself from all aspects. On the one hand, I study hard and serious , each semester complete regulation subject with excellent achievement, freshman year,

  I'm trying to learn computer and get the computer second-level certificate. Junior year, I passed TEM4, Now, I'm with full enthusiasm to TEM 8 of th exam To become a qualified teacher at an early date, I study teaching method, Not only trying to explore a kind of education which fits national conditions, but also exerting students' subjective initiative teaching method, so as to improve the teaching quality and students' English standard.

  The eich university life, greatly abundant my knowledge, also increased my aptitude in organizational ability, this also is a prerequisite for being a good a teacher, at the beginning of the university, I passed the guizhou normal university of foreign languages institute youth corps committee student association letter of membership for selection, and in the CC English school as a assistant and part-time teacher. Sophomore year,I become undersecretary and be the minister in junior year. since the office, I actively cooperate with the work of the school, department points youth corps committee, to carry out various activities, and widen everybody's field of vision, eich the university life, I was rated as "outstanding student cadres", for the school, the organization's activities, I also actively participate in, and with the approval of the teachers.

  In my spare time, I like reading all kinds of books, draw nutrients from the books to eich themselves, renew the idea, develop the mind,I hope I can become the new strong teachers in the front, and willing to contribute to the field of education. "there is no poor students,onlydo not enough teachers ", I believe, with the older generation of teachers to encourage and help, in my own efforts, I will be a good teacher! Although we have never met, but please believe that your choice will not wrong!

  I hope you can give me a chance to display,it will bemy consider oneself most fortunate to become one of your member.

  Best wishes for your career progresses day by day.

  Oct,5th 20xx

  Yuan bi

  晚会主持稿英文 篇6


  女——尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾 Distinguished leaders, ladies and gentlemen 男——亲爱的老师们、同学们 Dear teachers and students

  合——大家好 ( 杨 )Hello everyone

  女——送去五月的芬芳Send the fragrance of may

  男——迎来六月的时光 ( 杨 )We welcome the time of June 女——我们的心像怒放的花朵 Our heart is just like the blooming flowers

  男——荡起一片欢乐的海洋 ( 杨 )arouse a sea of joy 女——六月,是童年的摇篮,是童年的梦乡June is the cradle of childhood, is the dreamland of pupilarity 男——六月,有童年的沃土,有童年的太阳There is a fertile soil and the sunshine of childhood( 杨 ) 女——小朋友们迈着喜悦的脚步走进了六月,走进了我们自己的节日。The children with joyful steps walk into the June, walk into our own festival

  合——"六一"儿童节! ( 杨 )Children's Day

  女——今天大家欢聚在一起,让我们用歌声唱出内心的喜悦,用舞蹈跳出心中崇高的理想! Today we come here together to sing the joy of our heart, to dance the dream of our mind.

  男——我们将用智慧与热情,播撒希望的种子!用梦幻与彩虹,编织出一个无悔的童年!( 杨 )we’ll plant the seed of our dreams by using our wisdom and passion, and weave a childhood without regrets

  男——在这个狂欢的派对即将开始的时候,让我们再次用热烈的掌声欢迎各位校领导——北大附中武汉为明实验学校校长?( 杨 )副校长?( 杨 )小学部主任?(杨)德育主任?(杨)教务主任?(杨)Before the starting of the party, let’s welcome our school leaders once again, the president of Weiming Experimental school?vice president? The director of primary section?the director of moral education? Director of Academic Affairs…

  女——(杨)眼睛是晶亮的明灯,是我们认识世界的钥匙。The eyes are just like lights, they are the key to know the world. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,是我们传达心声的助手。The eyes are just like widows, they help us express our heart所以让我们共同“爱护眼睛,保护心灵之窗”。So

  let’s protect our eyes, protect the window of our hearts.一起来欣赏舞蹈班的同学们带来的舞蹈《眼睛,心灵的窗户》。let’s enjoy the dancing performance by dance class<eyes, the window of

  heart> (杨)

  男——(杨)我们每一个人都有一个家,everyone of us has a family爸爸像太阳一样照着妈妈,our father like the sunshine warm the mother妈妈像绿叶一样托着红花,our mother like the leaf accompany with the flower我像种子一样悄悄发芽As for us, we just like the seed quietly germinating。我们是幸福吉祥的一家。We are a happy family.请欣赏一年3班的家长和同学为我们表演的吉祥三宝。Next, let’s enjoy the performance by Class 3 Grade 1 jixiangsanbao

  女——(杨)这个世界绚丽多彩,this is a wonderful world小朋友们在健康快乐地成长 and the children are growing happily in the world,快看,look!天边的云朵上有一座七色的桥,there is a colorful bridge on the clouds那是我们《彩虹的约定》,and it is our appointment of rainbow 让我们一起欣赏由一年1班表演的《彩虹的约定》。next let’s enjoy the performance by 1.1

  男——(杨)健康对于我们每个人来说都非常重要,the health is very important for us只有拥有一个健康的身心,only we have a healthy body我们才能更好地去成长、去学习,we can grow and learn better将来为祖国做出贡献,so that we can contribute to our country.健康如此重要,As you can see, the heath is so important, 我们还等什么,so what are we waiting for?下面有请一(4)班小朋友为我们带来舞蹈《健康歌》。Welcome the dancing show by 1.4

  女——(杨)我们是一个个渴望飞翔的天使,Everyone of us is an angel flying with our colorful dream 带着多彩的梦想翩翩起舞。我们是一棵棵渴望成长的小树,Everyone of us is a tree growing under the irrigate of the teachers.在老师的辛勤浇灌下茁壮成长。请欣赏国一1班的小朋友带来的舞蹈《baby tree》Next, let’s enjoy the performance by international class 1 《baby tree》

  男——(杨)生活就像各种水果,Life is just like different kind of fruit,酸酸甜甜滋味不同,it has different tastes.多吃水果营养丰富,爱吃水果身体健康,As we all know, it is good for our health to eat more fruit.我们的小朋友不仅爱吃水果,而且还会跳水果拳,Our kids not only like eating fruit, but can 水果拳咋翻译?请欣赏由国一(2)班带来的舞蹈《水果拳》。

  女——(杨)中华武术,博大精深,历史悠久,在华夏大地上延绵了数千年。中华武术具有多彩的形式,丰富的内容和深邃的文化意蕴。Chinese kung fu is very ancient and it has a vey long history. It is not only an art, but also a culture.俗话说少年强则国强,少年强先身强。.As the saying goes: young are strong the country strong.下面请欣赏我们国一四班的小朋友带来的武术操表演。感受这一群小小年的精神和力量吧!

  男——(杨)每一个孩子都是妈妈永远的宝贝。every kid is the treasure of his mother no matter he is new born or adult.不论他是刚刚出生的小婴儿,还是白发苍苍的老人,在他的妈妈心目中,because he is the most valuable things in his mother’s eyes.他是这个世界上最珍贵的宝贝。 女——(杨)初上小学,他们像一株株嫩绿的新苗,When they come to school for the first time, they just like a little tree, they are not willing to leave their mother’s embrace. 不愿离开妈妈的怀抱,而今,but now, they just like the blooming flowers and they are ready for the first flying.他们像一簇簇即将盛开的蓓蕾,时刻准备着第一次的飞翔。

  男——(杨)今天,我们一(2)的同学们要把《妈妈宝贝》送给全天下所有的妈妈们。请把掌声送给这群快乐的小宝贝吧。Today, students from class 2 grade 1 will present a show named mother’s baby. And they want send it to every mother in the world. Welocme!

  女——(杨)带着童真,With the innocence and interest, we cheer for childhood and run to the happiness.带着童趣,为童年加油,向快乐出发,六一的我们真像一群快乐的天使啊!Today’s us are just like the happy angels.我们要用快乐的心情去享受知识的阳光,We enjoy the sunshine of knowledge with the happy mood.阳光少年阳光少女,sunshine boys and girls. Let’s go to the happy place向快乐出发。请欣赏国一六班带来的舞蹈《向快乐出发》。Next, let’s enjoy the dancing performance by international class 6.

  男——(杨)《最好的未来》是一首公益歌曲,The best future is a

  charity record,朴实的语言写出了每一个孩子的梦想,it has described the dreams of every child.他们都是祖国的花朵,是我们的未来,是我们应该宠爱的宝贝。they are the flowers of our country and the future of us, so we should take good care of them 我们用爱筑造完美现在,千万溪流汇聚成大海,每朵浪花都在澎湃,每个梦想都值得灌溉。让我们跟随着国一(5)班唱起这首《最好的未来》,送给我们每一个可爱的孩子,祝福他们都能够茁壮成长!Next, let’s enjoy the performance by international class 5. the best future

  女——(杨)开心的锣鼓敲起来,动人的歌曲唱起来,优美的歌舞跳起来,接下来就请欣赏由国一(3)班带来的时尚健美操表演,掌声有请。 结束语:










  晚会主持稿英文 篇7

  尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: Honorable leaders, distinguished guests, beloved teachers, dear students,


  Good morning everyone!


  Today, the sun, the gorgeous color of New Year;


  Today, a song, that is the moving melody of New Year;

  今天,我们穿上盛装,欢心鼓舞地迎接 新一年的到来,展望未来,前景灿烂,我们豪情满怀。

  Today, we dress up in costumes, inspired to greet the arrival of the New Year, look to the future, a bright future, we are full of pride.


  Here, I will say,“Thank you so much for your hard work! " 踏着时代的节奏,乘着转型升级的东风,带着新年的祝福,怀着更多更多美好的憧憬——我们相聚在这美好的时刻。 Inspired by the rhythm of the times, by the transformation and upgrading of the East, with the blessing of the New Year, with more and more good vision -- we get together at this wonderful



  Let us warmly applause to thank the fellow leaders to show great thanks to them


  New Year's Day performances of Xinyinghao school in 2013 now begins!


  All rise, play the National Anthem


  Please be seated, Let?s warmly welcome principal Zhang of our school to make a speech!

  下面有请我们学校校务处黄主任主持颁奖仪式,掌声有请! Let?s warmly welcome Mr Huang to hold the awarding ceremony.


  We often see students? pure bright smiling faces, also sigh with these students has brought us a lot of miracles! Listen, what are

  the y singing?


  Wonderful ! Listen, a group of teenagers are coming, they will bring us a surprise? Please appreciate the instrumental ensemble “flower and youth”


  How beautiful the music is! Today, let us work together to revisit the classical fairy tales, " Snow White ".


  Well! These actors are really good! Please enjoy the dance " " blue and white porcelain.


  Here, we ?ve made a lot of friends. Let?s enjoy the song “Friendly”

  我们能安安静静的学习,也能开开心心地玩耍,这就是我们幸福的校园,瞧,又有一帮淘气鬼来了!欣赏舞蹈《Kissy Kissy》

  We can study diligently, can play happily, this is the happiness of our campus, look, how cute they are! Enjoy the dance, " Kissy Kissy ".


  Next, please enjoy the dance “distant father and mother "


  We are a group of happ kids and enjoy the dance " happy babies " )


  We are happy every day! Today, we have invited a group of special guests, that is the Indian little angel! Please enjoy the dance, “An Indian angel”


  We have another little guest namedlittle red riding hood, Next, please enjoy the drama “Little Red Riding Hood. "



  please enjoy the dance, “A beautiful place. "

  新英豪中英文学校,就是这样一个美丽的地方。最后,我们来欣赏一下咱们英豪的英语能手们给大家带来的英语歌吧! Xinyinghao Chinese-English school, is a beautiful place. Finally, Finally please enjoy the English songs!


  HowTime flies! It will come to the end of our performances.We have a brilliant past and we will have a new future.


  Let?s struggle for the future together in order to have a wonderful one.


  Thank you, thank you

  晚会主持稿英文 篇8

  1. 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾

  2. 亲爱的老师,同学们

  1.2. 大家晚上好

  3. Distinguished leaders, guests

  4. Ladies and gentlemen

  3. Welcome to the New Year's celebration held by college of Foreign language

  1. 时光荏苒,青春在这里绽放

  2. 岁月更迭,梦想在这里起航

  3. Time is flying ,the youth are blooming here

  4. Age is growing ,our dreams are soaring here

  1. 回首20xx 我们伴着xx年校庆,十八大的召开落下帷幕

  2. 展望20xx 我们心系学院发展, 憧憬未来,再创辉煌

  3. Turning back to20xx ,Taiyuan University of Technology celebrated the 110th anniversary ceremony and we successfully held the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of China .

  4. Looking forward to 2013, we are willing to contribute to the development of the college of foreign language and Wish our college a more splendid future, scale new heights and create new brilliant.

  1. 今夜我们欢聚一堂,共度这美好的夜晚

  2. 今夜我们热情奔放,在文化的国度自由翱翔

  3. Tonight is the end of the past ,what we need to remember is the happiness that we share together

  4. Tonight is the beginning of a new day , what we need to embrace is the culture that we all possess

  1. 载歌载舞,让今夜成为欢乐的海洋

  2. 满怀豪情,将生命书写绚丽的华章

  3. With the microphone and the dance floor, tonight is the sea of joy.

  4.With the pride and the enthusiasm, our life is a glorious symphony.


  Now ,please allow me to introduce our distinguished guests ,,,,,

  1. 下面我宣布,20xx年外国语学院晚会现在开始

  3. Ladies and gentlemen ,The New Year Celebration by foreign languages college of Taiyuan University of Technology, now begins!


  1. 新的钟声,新的一年,

  2. 新的祝福,新的期待.

  3. The new bell rings, a New Year is coming.

  4. The new blessing sings, a New expectation is fulfilling

  1. 美好时光总是短暂如此

  2. 欢声笑语却留在你我心间

  3. Pleasant hours never last long.But the happiness will be treasured deep in our hearts.



  4. Where there is love , there is a dream and Where there is dream ,there is hope

  1. 愿我们的同学在四年后收获 累累硕果。

  2. 愿我们外国语学院前程似锦,桃李芬芳

  3. Wish our schoolmates great progress and more achievements after four years .

  4 .Wish our college of foreign language a more splendid future, scale new heights and create new brilliant.


  4.Wish each of our teachers a successful career and a happy family.

  1. 我们的晚会到此也就结束了,让我们记住这美好时刻

  3.Ladies and gentlemen

  That’s all for the New Year Celebration. Thank you for being with us.


  合 明年再相会

  合 See you next year!!!

  晚会主持稿英文 篇9

  Distinguished leaders and guests, ladies and gentlemen:

  We gather at the Kempinski Hotel in the bright days and to attend the Huasheng company was founded ten anniversary celebration. Here, I’m on behalf of Huasheng Company staff to extend a warm welcome for who attend today's celebration of the leaders, ladies and gentlemen!

  In ten years, Huasheng company leaders persist in the spirit of "service all for customers”, at last, they lead the company to success.

  In ten years, Huasheng Company's employees are carrying the spirit of the unity, the dedication, and the pursuit, they stay together overcome much difficulty.

  In ten years, Huasheng Company caring for us is their motivation to get success.

  Now let us express our heartfelt thanks and highest respect to all the leaders and distinguished guests.

  (The end)

  Glory belongs to yesterday, the future still need us to develop. Ten anniversary celebrations is a milepost of Huasheng Company development and it is also a new start. Let us review the entrepreneurial process and create a better future hand in hand at the same time.

  Finally, I sincerely wish all the leaders and distinguished guests have a good health and everything goes well with your work.

  晚会主持稿英文 篇10

  甲: Now, ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?

  乙oth: let’s begin our grand new year’s party.

  乙: The New Year is around the corner, I would like to extend my new year’s greetings to all my guests and wish everyone good health and happiness.

  甲: Yeah! The New Year is a time of new beginnings and new hopes for the future. I hope that every one of you find yourself more prosperous and more content with each passing day this year.

  乙: 乙ut now, please enjoy yourselves. Tonight, we will have a fantastic celebration of the good friendship and good spirits that can last not only a year, but a life time.

  甲: Have a wonderful evening everybody.

  乙oth: Happy New Year!


  The bell for the new year is soon to strike; The overture for the ceremony is soon to play.


  With the accompaniment music of our band, let’s wish our motherland more prosperity and our Country


  More verdure .


  The footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer.


  Yes, you are right.



  Looking forward to the coming of the new spring, we are full of hope.


  Celebrating the new spring, we are full of happiness.


  Though the Get-together is about to end, we still know we are reaching more maturity.


  Wish each of our distinguished guests a successful career and a happy family.


  Wish our colleagues great progress and more achievements.


  Wish our country a more splendid future


  In the new year.


  That’s all for the New Year’s Celebration . Thank you for being with us.











