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When the weasel and the cat make a marriage,it is a very ill presage.黄鼠狼跟猫儿成亲,预兆不佳。


小贴士:欢迎访问谚语大全,在这里你可以方便地找到搞笑谚语When the weasel and the cat make a marriage,it is a very ill presage.黄鼠狼跟猫儿成亲,预兆不佳。这一搞笑谚语,并且查看When the weasel and the cat make a marriage,it is a very ill presage.黄鼠狼跟猫儿成亲,预兆不佳。这一搞笑谚语的解释。

When the weasel and the cat make a marriage,it is a very ill presage.黄鼠狼跟猫儿成亲,预兆不佳。