我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-03 09:25:41 谜语 我要投稿





  1、 You have it. You read it. There are some words and pictures on it. What is it?

  2、 Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a small white sun. What is it?

  3、 You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

  4、 What goes around the world but stays in a corner?

  5、 Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?

  6、 What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

  7、 I fly, but I have no wings. I cry, but I have no eyes.

  8、 How many letters are in the alphabet?

  9、 I am always with you. Sometimes behind you, sometimes before you, sometimes by your side, but you can’t see me in the dark.

  10、 What table is in the field?

  11、 What table can tell you what to do?

  12、 What changes a pear into a pearl?

  13、 What letter makes a road broad?

  14、 When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?

  15、 I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I?

  16、 What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?

  17、 I am everywhere in the earth. Without me, you have to die. What am I ?

  18、 I can’t walk. I can’t fly. I can swim. What am I ?

  19、 I am green in spring and yellow in autumn. Birds like me and people like me. What am I ?

  20、 Chicken grows from it. What is it?

  21、 It’s very small in the sky, but it’s actually very big. What is it?

  22、 It’s a colourful bridge in the sky. What is it?

  23、 Why do lions eat raw meat(生肉)?

  24、 Why is six afraid of seven?

  25、 A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys.

  26、 How can this be possible?

  27、 I am white. You can drink me. I am in the dairy group. What am I ?

  28、 I am green or red. I am spicy and hot. I am in the vegetable group. What am I ?

  29、 I am a kind of fruit, green outside and red inside. What am I ?

  30、 I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. What am I ?

  31、 I am orange. I am thin and long. Rabbits like me very much. What am I ?

  32、 David was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?


  1、 a book

  2、 the moon

  3、 chicken

  4、 stamp

  5、 fire

  6、 river

  7、 cloud

  8、 eight

  9、 shadow

  10、 vegetable

  11、 timetable

  12、 “L”

  13、 “b”

  14、 (22)

  15、 a map

  16、 hot dog

  17、 air

  18、 fish

  19、 a tree

  20、 an egg

  21、 a star/ the sun/ the moon a rainbow

  22、 Because they can’t cook.

  23、 Because seven eight(ate) nine.

  24、 Because all of her children are boys.

  25、 milk

  26、 pepper

  27、 a watermelon

  28、 a banana

  29、 a carrot

  30、 Because he’s bald.


  On which side does a bird have the most feathers? —— 谜底: The outside.

  猫咪去世 (打一英字) —— 谜底: mouth

  题目:What book has the most stirring chapters? —— 谜底: A cook book

  踹死(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: trys

  比裤子(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: because

  What two words have thousands of letters in them? —— 谜底: Post office

  媳妇(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: thief(小偷、盗贼)

  叶漏(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: yellow

  When is it correct to say "I is"? —— 谜底: When we say "I is a pron."

  弟媳妇(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: deceive

  死呆(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: style

  上你(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: sunny

  毛病(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: morbid病态

  靠累知(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: college

  太泼(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: temper脾气

  What kind of dog never bite? —— 谜底: A hot dog

  When do you go as fast as a racing car? —— 谜底: When you are in it.

  What is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody else?—— 谜底: A promise.

  Who will be your real friend, a poor friend or a rich one?(贫穷的朋友和富贵的朋友,谁会成为你真正的朋友?) —— 谜底: A poor friend,

  蚁齿(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: itch痒,发痒;渴望,极想。

  26英文字母哪个最笨? —— 谜底: U(YOU)!

  What season is the most dangerous one? —— 谜底: Autumn. Because it is also FALL

  What clothing is always sad?(什么衣服总是伤感的?)—— 谜底: Blue Jeans. 蓝色牛仔服。 blue adj.蓝色的;伤感的

  What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?—— 谜底: Take away the upper half and 0 is left.

  游子(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: use

  爸爸去世(打一英文) —— 谜底: bus.

  What's a skeleton?(骨架) —— 谜底: It's a lot of bones without the person on them!

  乐百氏(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: robust精力充沛的;坚定的;粗野的,粗鲁的;需要体力的。

  忘得(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: wonder

  What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck? —— 谜底: A bottle

  因死抓客神(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: instruction

  该死(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: Guess(推测;猜测,臆测)

  我死(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: voice

  扑来个男的(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: pregnant怀孕

  三克油(打一英文短语) —— 谜底: thank you谢谢你

  Why don’t babies need glasses? —— 谜底: Because they like bottles better.

  抬若爆(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: terrible

  绝食(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: dress

  四围泼一泼(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: sweep

  What do workers do in a clock factory? —— 谜底: They make faces all day.

  一个团体一共多少个人? —— 谜底: 20个,因为团体就是twenty

  凌迟(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: lynch私刑处死

  依靠农民(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: economy经济

  拍死它(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: pest害虫

  腻的(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: need

  4个手指是four,那么4个弯的手指 —— 谜底: wonderful(弯的four)

  入了(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: ruler

  欧尼(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: only

  What person does every man take his hat off to? —— 谜底: A barber

  What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?—— 谜底: A river.

  施耐德(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: schneider裁缝

  What is smaller than an insect’s mouth? —— 谜底: Anything it eats

  Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space? —— 谜底: To find Pluto

  What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?—— 谜底: A map.

  戴尔(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: die

  How did the hangman get married?(绞刑吏是怎么结婚的?)—— 谜底: He tied a knot. 他打了一个结。

  围棋(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: which

  美若(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: mirror

  背噢(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: bale灾祸

  偶三思(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: assess评定;估价;对

  四拐哦(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: square

  跑我腿(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: poverty

  What is black when it's clean and white when it's dirty? —— 谜底: a blackboard

  太蠢(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: tantrum脾气发作


  1.What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)

  答案: Silence. (沉默)

  2.Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)

  答案:No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)

  3.What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)

  答案:Your age. (你的年龄)

  4.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)

  答案:He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)

  5.Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)

  答案:Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)


  1.What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)

  答案: Silence. (沉默)

  2.Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)

  答案:No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)

  3.What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)

  答案:Your age. (你的年龄)

  4.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)

  答案:He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)

  5.Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)

  答案:Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)


  1. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?

  哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个单词后还剩 6 个?

  key: sixth 答案:sixth,去掉后是six

  2. A big Indian and a little Indian are walking down the street, the little Indian is the son of the big Indian, but the big Indian is not the father of the little Indian, how is this possible?

  key:the big Indian is the mother of the little Indian

  3. What has four eyes but cannot see? 什么有四个眼睛,但是看不见?

  谜语答案:Mississippi 谜语解析:有 4 个i,但是因为是地名,所以看不见。

  4.Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from?


  答案:From a hen . 是母鸡生下来的。

  5. What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end,

  and the end of every place?

  什么是永恒的开始,是时间的结束,是结局的开始,是每一个地方的结束? key: The letter "e".答案:字母 e, 看这四个单词的结尾就明白了。

  6. What stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的'? 答案:pepper(胡椒粉)谜语解析:hot也有“辣”的意思

  7. What fruit is never found singly? key: pear 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 答案:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同

  8. With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢?

  key: neither, I use a pen! 答案:都不用,我用笔

  9. What man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里?


  10. What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?


  谜语答案:dictionary (字典)

  11. What question can you never answer "Yes" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"

  谜语答案:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep? (你睡着了吗)

  12. What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the



  谜语答案:People. They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age.


  14. What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?


  答案:A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.


  15. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?


  答案:In the dictionary. 在字典里。

  16. What do you know about the kings of France? 你对法国君主有什么了解? 答案:They are all dead. 他们都死了。

  17. What must you do before you return a book to the library?


  key: borrow the book from library.答案:从图书馆借书

  18. How many sides does a circle have?一个圆有几个面?

  key: Two,the inside and the outside 答案:两面,里面和外面

  19. What tree is always very sad? 什么树总是很伤心?

  key: weeping willow 答案:垂柳.

  谜语解析: weeping willow的意思是垂柳, weeping是哭, willow是柳树

  20. When can you get water with a net? 什么时候你可以用网拿到水呢?

  key: when water is turned into ice 答案:当水变成冰的时候

  21. Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? 为什么在愚人节人们都很累?

  key: Because they have just had a long March.

  答案:因为他们刚过了长长的三月。March 三月;行军.

  22. What's the poorest bank in the world? 世界上最贫穷的银行是什么?

  key: the river bank答案:河岸。bank还有河岸的意思

  23. What is heavier in summer than in winter? 什么东西夏天比冬天重? key:Traffic to the beach

  答案:去海滩的车流 解释:heavy除了重的意思,还有“交通量大的,繁忙的”意思。

  24. What bird lifts heavy things? 什么鸟可以举起来很重的东西?

  key: crane答案:crane(鹤,另外一个意思是举重机)

  26. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?


  key: your name 答案:你的名字

  27. What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西永远只升不降 key: your age 答案:你的年龄

  28. What will you break once you say it?什么东西你说出来就打破了它? key: silence 答案:沉默

  29. Why is the library the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最高的建筑? key: it has the most stories?

  答案:因为它有最多的楼层 (story有两层意思,一个是故 事,一个是楼层)

  30. What do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么? key: they're married on the same day 答案: 他们都在同一天结婚

  31. What word is pronounced wrong, even by the best of scholars?


  key: wrong答案:wrong(错)

  32. What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动物坐着比站着高? key: A dog答案:狗

  33.Which can move faster, heat or cold? 冷和热谁跑得快?

  key: Heat, because you can catch cold.热跑得快,因为你追得上冷。 cold n.冷;感冒 catch cold追上冷;患感冒

  34. What can you catch but cannot throw? 什么东西你能抓住但是不能扔掉? key :a cold 答案:感冒(catch a cold),英文中感冒为catch a cold

  35. What is full when it's used and empty when it's at rest?


  key:a shoe答案:鞋

  36. What has a tongue but cannot talk? 什么东西有舌头但是却不会说话?

  key: a shoe答案:鞋

  37. What has teeth but cannot eat? 什么东西有牙齿却不能吃东西?


  38. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?


  key: keyhole 答案:锁眼

  39. What weather do mice and rats fear? (老鼠害怕什么天气?)

  答案:When it's raining cats and dogs. (下大雨。rain cats and dogs 下大雨 )

  40. When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? 狗什么时候不愿跟随主人?

  答案:When their masters go to the flea market.(主人去跳蚤市场时。Flea 跳蚤 flea market 旧货市场

  41. 4个手指是four,那么4个弯的手指是什么?

  答案:wonderful 谜语解析:弯的four

  42. 汽车会飞(猜一种饮料) 答案:咖啡 谜语解析(car 飞)

  43. If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?


  答案:It remains a white stone.(他仍然是个白色石头)

  44.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become?




  得死(打一英文单词) ——谜底: dearth

  海味(打一英文单词) ——谜底: heavy

  Why did the farmer take his chicken to task?(农夫为什么训斥小鸡?) ——谜底: Because they use foul language.因为它们说脏话。

  What can you break with only one word? ——谜底: Silence.

  服了我(打一英文单词) ——谜底: flower

  俺靠(打一英文单词) ——谜底: uncle叔叔;伯父;舅父;姑父,姨父。

  How does the sun affect weight?(太阳如何影响重量?) ——谜底: It makes the daylight.

  开司米(打一英文单词) ——谜底: cashmere山羊绒;产于咯什米尔和西藏的一种羊毛

  What is never used until it's broken? ——谜底: An egg

  老爷(打一英文单词) ——谜底: lawyer律师,法学家

  what letter is an animal? ——谜底: B

  漱哥(打一英文单词) ——谜底: sugar糖

  不辣了(打一英文单词) ——谜底: banana(香蕉)

  What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? ——谜底: A mirror

  我的吻车(打一英文单词) ——谜底: adventure冒险活动;冒险经历;奇遇。

  What question can you never answer "Yes" to? ——谜底: Are you dead?

  What part of your body disappears when you stand up? ——谜底: Your lap.

  飘臭(打一英文单词) ——谜底: putrid腐烂

  柴门(打一英文单词) ——谜底: chairman

  安定(打一英文单词) ——谜底: ending

  爱过你(打一英文单词) ——谜底: agony痛苦

  What person tries to make others smile most of the time? ——谜底: A photographer

  我有(打一英文单词) ——谜底: volume大量的

  摸(打一英文单词) ——谜底: more(多,更多)

  阿匹婆(打一英文名词) ——谜底: a people

  What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? (打一物) ——谜底: mirror

















  1、 You have it. You read it. There are some words and pictures on it. What is it?

  2、 Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a small white sun. What is it?

  3、 You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

  4、 What goes around the world but stays in a corner?

  5、 Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?

  6、 What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

  7、 I fly, but I have no wings. I cry, but I have no eyes.

  8、 How many letters are in the alphabet?

  9、 I am always with you. Sometimes behind you, sometimes before you, sometimes by your side, but you can’t see me in the dark.

  10、 What table is in the field?

  11、 What table can tell you what to do?

  12、 What changes a pear into a pearl?

  13、 What letter makes a road broad?

  14、 When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?

  15、 I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I?

  16、 What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?

  17、 I am everywhere in the earth. Without me, you have to die. What am I ?

  18、 I can’t walk. I can’t fly. I can swim. What am I ?

  19、 I am green in spring and yellow in autumn. Birds like me and people like me. What am I ?

  20、 Chicken grows from it. What is it?

  21、 It’s very small in the sky, but it’s actually very big. What is it?

  22、 It’s a colourful bridge in the sky. What is it?

  23、 Why do lions eat raw meat(生肉)?

  24、 Why is six afraid of seven?

  25、 A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys.

  26、 How can this be possible?

  27、 I am white. You can drink me. I am in the dairy group. What am I ?

  28、 I am green or red. I am spicy and hot. I am in the vegetable group. What am I ?

  29、 I am a kind of fruit, green outside and red inside. What am I ?

  30、 I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. What am I ?

  31、 I am orange. I am thin and long. Rabbits like me very much. What am I ?

  32、 David was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?


  1、 a book

  2、 the moon

  3、 chicken

  4、 stamp

  5、 fire

  6、 river

  7、 cloud

  8、 eight

  9、 shadow

  10、 vegetable

  11、 timetable

  12、 “L”

  13、 “b”

  14、 (22)

  15、 a map

  16、 hot dog

  17、 air

  18、 fish

  19、 a tree

  20、 an egg

  21、 a star/ the sun/ the moon a rainbow

  22、 Because they can’t cook.

  23、 Because seven eight(ate) nine.

  24、 Because all of her children are boys.

  25、 milk

  26、 pepper

  27、 a watermelon

  28、 a banana

  29、 a carrot

  30、 Because he’s bald.


  On which side does a bird have the most feathers? —— 谜底: The outside.

  猫咪去世 (打一英字) —— 谜底: mouth

  题目:What book has the most stirring chapters? —— 谜底: A cook book

  踹死(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: trys

  比裤子(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: because

  What two words have thousands of letters in them? —— 谜底: Post office

  媳妇(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: thief(小偷、盗贼)

  叶漏(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: yellow

  When is it correct to say "I is"? —— 谜底: When we say "I is a pron."

  弟媳妇(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: deceive

  死呆(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: style

  上你(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: sunny

  毛病(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: morbid病态

  靠累知(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: college

  太泼(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: temper脾气

  What kind of dog never bite? —— 谜底: A hot dog

  When do you go as fast as a racing car? —— 谜底: When you are in it.

  What is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody else?—— 谜底: A promise.

  Who will be your real friend, a poor friend or a rich one?(贫穷的朋友和富贵的朋友,谁会成为你真正的朋友?) —— 谜底: A poor friend,

  蚁齿(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: itch痒,发痒;渴望,极想。

  26英文字母哪个最笨? —— 谜底: U(YOU)!

  What season is the most dangerous one? —— 谜底: Autumn. Because it is also FALL

  What clothing is always sad?(什么衣服总是伤感的?)—— 谜底: Blue Jeans. 蓝色牛仔服。 blue adj.蓝色的;伤感的

  What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?—— 谜底: Take away the upper half and 0 is left.

  游子(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: use

  爸爸去世(打一英文) —— 谜底: bus.

  What's a skeleton?(骨架) —— 谜底: It's a lot of bones without the person on them!

  乐百氏(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: robust精力充沛的;坚定的;粗野的,粗鲁的;需要体力的。

  忘得(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: wonder

  What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck? —— 谜底: A bottle

  因死抓客神(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: instruction

  该死(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: Guess(推测;猜测,臆测)

  我死(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: voice

  扑来个男的(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: pregnant怀孕

  三克油(打一英文短语) —— 谜底: thank you谢谢你

  Why don’t babies need glasses? —— 谜底: Because they like bottles better.

  抬若爆(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: terrible

  绝食(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: dress

  四围泼一泼(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: sweep

  What do workers do in a clock factory? —— 谜底: They make faces all day.

  一个团体一共多少个人? —— 谜底: 20个,因为团体就是twenty

  凌迟(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: lynch私刑处死

  依靠农民(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: economy经济

  拍死它(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: pest害虫

  腻的(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: need

  4个手指是four,那么4个弯的手指 —— 谜底: wonderful(弯的four)

  入了(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: ruler

  欧尼(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: only

  What person does every man take his hat off to? —— 谜底: A barber

  What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?—— 谜底: A river.

  施耐德(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: schneider裁缝

  What is smaller than an insect’s mouth? —— 谜底: Anything it eats

  Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space? —— 谜底: To find Pluto

  What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?—— 谜底: A map.

  戴尔(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: die

  How did the hangman get married?(绞刑吏是怎么结婚的?)—— 谜底: He tied a knot. 他打了一个结。

  围棋(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: which

  美若(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: mirror

  背噢(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: bale灾祸

  偶三思(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: assess评定;估价;对

  四拐哦(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: square

  跑我腿(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: poverty

  What is black when it's clean and white when it's dirty? —— 谜底: a blackboard

  太蠢(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: tantrum脾气发作


  1.What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)

  答案: Silence. (沉默)

  2.Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)

  答案:No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)

  3.What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)

  答案:Your age. (你的年龄)

  4.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)

  答案:He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)

  5.Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)

  答案:Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)


  1.What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)

  答案: Silence. (沉默)

  2.Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)

  答案:No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)

  3.What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)

  答案:Your age. (你的年龄)

  4.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)

  答案:He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)

  5.Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)

  答案:Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)


  1. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?

  哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个单词后还剩 6 个?

  key: sixth 答案:sixth,去掉后是six

  2. A big Indian and a little Indian are walking down the street, the little Indian is the son of the big Indian, but the big Indian is not the father of the little Indian, how is this possible?

  key:the big Indian is the mother of the little Indian

  3. What has four eyes but cannot see? 什么有四个眼睛,但是看不见?

  谜语答案:Mississippi 谜语解析:有 4 个i,但是因为是地名,所以看不见。

  4.Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from?


  答案:From a hen . 是母鸡生下来的。

  5. What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end,

  and the end of every place?

  什么是永恒的开始,是时间的结束,是结局的开始,是每一个地方的结束? key: The letter "e".答案:字母 e, 看这四个单词的结尾就明白了。

  6. What stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的'? 答案:pepper(胡椒粉)谜语解析:hot也有“辣”的意思

  7. What fruit is never found singly? key: pear 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 答案:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同

  8. With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢?

  key: neither, I use a pen! 答案:都不用,我用笔

  9. What man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里?


  10. What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?


  谜语答案:dictionary (字典)

  11. What question can you never answer "Yes" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"

  谜语答案:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep? (你睡着了吗)

  12. What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the



  谜语答案:People. They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age.


  14. What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?


  答案:A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.


  15. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?


  答案:In the dictionary. 在字典里。

  16. What do you know about the kings of France? 你对法国君主有什么了解? 答案:They are all dead. 他们都死了。

  17. What must you do before you return a book to the library?


  key: borrow the book from library.答案:从图书馆借书

  18. How many sides does a circle have?一个圆有几个面?

  key: Two,the inside and the outside 答案:两面,里面和外面

  19. What tree is always very sad? 什么树总是很伤心?

  key: weeping willow 答案:垂柳.

  谜语解析: weeping willow的意思是垂柳, weeping是哭, willow是柳树

  20. When can you get water with a net? 什么时候你可以用网拿到水呢?

  key: when water is turned into ice 答案:当水变成冰的时候

  21. Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? 为什么在愚人节人们都很累?

  key: Because they have just had a long March.

  答案:因为他们刚过了长长的三月。March 三月;行军.

  22. What's the poorest bank in the world? 世界上最贫穷的银行是什么?

  key: the river bank答案:河岸。bank还有河岸的意思

  23. What is heavier in summer than in winter? 什么东西夏天比冬天重? key:Traffic to the beach

  答案:去海滩的车流 解释:heavy除了重的意思,还有“交通量大的,繁忙的”意思。

  24. What bird lifts heavy things? 什么鸟可以举起来很重的东西?

  key: crane答案:crane(鹤,另外一个意思是举重机)

  26. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?


  key: your name 答案:你的名字

  27. What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西永远只升不降 key: your age 答案:你的年龄

  28. What will you break once you say it?什么东西你说出来就打破了它? key: silence 答案:沉默

  29. Why is the library the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最高的建筑? key: it has the most stories?

  答案:因为它有最多的楼层 (story有两层意思,一个是故 事,一个是楼层)

  30. What do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么? key: they're married on the same day 答案: 他们都在同一天结婚

  31. What word is pronounced wrong, even by the best of scholars?


  key: wrong答案:wrong(错)

  32. What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动物坐着比站着高? key: A dog答案:狗

  33.Which can move faster, heat or cold? 冷和热谁跑得快?

  key: Heat, because you can catch cold.热跑得快,因为你追得上冷。 cold n.冷;感冒 catch cold追上冷;患感冒

  34. What can you catch but cannot throw? 什么东西你能抓住但是不能扔掉? key :a cold 答案:感冒(catch a cold),英文中感冒为catch a cold

  35. What is full when it's used and empty when it's at rest?


  key:a shoe答案:鞋

  36. What has a tongue but cannot talk? 什么东西有舌头但是却不会说话?

  key: a shoe答案:鞋

  37. What has teeth but cannot eat? 什么东西有牙齿却不能吃东西?


  38. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?


  key: keyhole 答案:锁眼

  39. What weather do mice and rats fear? (老鼠害怕什么天气?)

  答案:When it's raining cats and dogs. (下大雨。rain cats and dogs 下大雨 )

  40. When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? 狗什么时候不愿跟随主人?

  答案:When their masters go to the flea market.(主人去跳蚤市场时。Flea 跳蚤 flea market 旧货市场

  41. 4个手指是four,那么4个弯的手指是什么?

  答案:wonderful 谜语解析:弯的four

  42. 汽车会飞(猜一种饮料) 答案:咖啡 谜语解析(car 飞)

  43. If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?


  答案:It remains a white stone.(他仍然是个白色石头)

  44.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become?




  得死(打一英文单词) ——谜底: dearth

  海味(打一英文单词) ——谜底: heavy

  Why did the farmer take his chicken to task?(农夫为什么训斥小鸡?) ——谜底: Because they use foul language.因为它们说脏话。

  What can you break with only one word? ——谜底: Silence.

  服了我(打一英文单词) ——谜底: flower

  俺靠(打一英文单词) ——谜底: uncle叔叔;伯父;舅父;姑父,姨父。

  How does the sun affect weight?(太阳如何影响重量?) ——谜底: It makes the daylight.

  开司米(打一英文单词) ——谜底: cashmere山羊绒;产于咯什米尔和西藏的一种羊毛

  What is never used until it's broken? ——谜底: An egg

  老爷(打一英文单词) ——谜底: lawyer律师,法学家

  what letter is an animal? ——谜底: B

  漱哥(打一英文单词) ——谜底: sugar糖

  不辣了(打一英文单词) ——谜底: banana(香蕉)

  What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? ——谜底: A mirror

  我的吻车(打一英文单词) ——谜底: adventure冒险活动;冒险经历;奇遇。

  What question can you never answer "Yes" to? ——谜底: Are you dead?

  What part of your body disappears when you stand up? ——谜底: Your lap.

  飘臭(打一英文单词) ——谜底: putrid腐烂

  柴门(打一英文单词) ——谜底: chairman

  安定(打一英文单词) ——谜底: ending

  爱过你(打一英文单词) ——谜底: agony痛苦

  What person tries to make others smile most of the time? ——谜底: A photographer

  我有(打一英文单词) ——谜底: volume大量的

  摸(打一英文单词) ——谜底: more(多,更多)

  阿匹婆(打一英文名词) ——谜底: a people

  What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? (打一物) ——谜底: mirror